Avro C#
Avro.File Namespace Reference


class  Codec
 Base class for Avro-supported compression codecs for data files. Note that Codec objects may maintain internal state (e.g. buffers) and are not thread safe. More...
class  DataBlock
 Encapsulates a block of data read by the DataFileReader<T>. We will remove this class from the public API in a future version because it is only meant to be used internally. More...
class  DataFileConstants
 Constants used in data files. More...
class  DataFileReader
 Provides access to Avro data written using the DataFileWriter<T>. More...
class  DataFileWriter
 Stores in a file a sequence of data conforming to a schema. The schema is stored in the file with the data. Each datum in a file is of the same schema. Data is written with a DatumWriter<T>. Data is grouped into blocks. A synchronization marker is written between blocks, so that files may be split. Blocks may be compressed. Extensible metadata is stored at the end of the file. Files may be appended to. More...
class  DeflateCodec
 Implements deflate compression and decompression. More...
class  Header
 Header on an Avro data file. More...
interface  IFileReader
 Defines the interface for an object that reads data from a file. More...
interface  IFileWriter
 Defines the interface for an object that stores in a file a sequence of data conforming to a schema. More...
class  NullCodec
 Implements a codec that does not perform any compression. This codec simply returns the bytes presented to it "as-is". More...