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Avro.File.DataFileWriter< T > Class Template Reference

Stores in a file a sequence of data conforming to a schema. The schema is stored in the file with the data. Each datum in a file is of the same schema. Data is written with a DatumWriter<T>. Data is grouped into blocks. A synchronization marker is written between blocks, so that files may be split. Blocks may be compressed. Extensible metadata is stored at the end of the file. Files may be appended to. More...

Inheritance diagram for Avro.File.DataFileWriter< T >:
Avro.File.IFileWriter< T >

Public Member Functions

bool IsReservedMeta (string key)
 Returns true if parameter is a reserved Avro metadata value.
void SetMeta (string key, byte[] value)
 Set metadata pair.
void SetMeta (string key, long value)
 Set metadata pair (long value).
void SetMeta (string key, string value)
 Set metadata pair (string value).
void SetSyncInterval (int syncInterval)
 Set the synchronization interval for this file or stream, in bytes. Valid values range from 32 to 2^30. Suggested values are between 2K and 2M.
void Append (T datum)
 Append datum to a file or stream.
void Flush ()
 Flush out any buffered data.
long Sync ()
 Forces the end of the current block, emitting a synchronization marker.
void Close ()
 Closes the file or stream.
void Dispose ()

Static Public Member Functions

static IFileWriter< T > OpenWriter (DatumWriter< T > writer, string path)
 Open a new writer instance to write to a file path, using a Null codec More...
static IFileWriter< T > OpenWriter (DatumWriter< T > writer, Stream outStream)
 Open a new writer instance to write to an output stream, using a Null codec More...
static IFileWriter< T > OpenWriter (DatumWriter< T > writer, Stream outStream, bool leaveOpen)
 Open a new writer instance to write to an output stream, using a Null codec More...
static IFileWriter< T > OpenWriter (DatumWriter< T > writer, string path, Codec codec)
 Open a new writer instance to write to a file path with a specified codec More...
static IFileWriter< T > OpenWriter (DatumWriter< T > writer, Stream outStream, Codec codec)
 Open a new writer instance to write to an output stream with a specified codec More...
static IFileWriter< T > OpenWriter (DatumWriter< T > writer, Stream outStream, Codec codec, bool leaveOpen)
 Open a new writer instance to write to an output stream with a specified codec More...
static IFileWriter< T > OpenAppendWriter (DatumWriter< T > writer, string path)
 Open a new writer instance to append to a file path. More...
static IFileWriter< T > OpenAppendWriter (DatumWriter< T > writer, Stream inStream, Stream outStream)
 Open a new writer instance to append to an output stream. Both in and out streams must point to the same file. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
 Releases resources associated with this DataFileWriter<T>. More...

Detailed Description

Stores in a file a sequence of data conforming to a schema. The schema is stored in the file with the data. Each datum in a file is of the same schema. Data is written with a DatumWriter<T>. Data is grouped into blocks. A synchronization marker is written between blocks, so that files may be split. Blocks may be compressed. Extensible metadata is stored at the end of the file. Files may be appended to.

Template Parameters
TType of datum to write to the file.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Dispose()

virtual void Avro.File.DataFileWriter< T >.Dispose ( bool  disposing)

Releases resources associated with this DataFileWriter<T>.

disposingTrue if called from Dispose(); false otherwise.

◆ OpenAppendWriter() [1/2]

static IFileWriter<T> Avro.File.DataFileWriter< T >.OpenAppendWriter ( DatumWriter< T >  writer,
string  path 

Open a new writer instance to append to a file path.

writerDatum writer to use.
pathPath to the file.
A new file writer.

◆ OpenAppendWriter() [2/2]

static IFileWriter<T> Avro.File.DataFileWriter< T >.OpenAppendWriter ( DatumWriter< T >  writer,
Stream  inStream,
Stream  outStream 

Open a new writer instance to append to an output stream. Both in and out streams must point to the same file.

writerDatum writer to use.
inStreamreading the existing file.
outStreamstream to write to, positioned at the end of the existing file.
A new file writer.

◆ OpenWriter() [1/6]

static IFileWriter<T> Avro.File.DataFileWriter< T >.OpenWriter ( DatumWriter< T >  writer,
string  path 

Open a new writer instance to write to a file path, using a Null codec

writerDatum writer to use.
pathPath to the file.
A new file writer.

◆ OpenWriter() [2/6]

static IFileWriter<T> Avro.File.DataFileWriter< T >.OpenWriter ( DatumWriter< T >  writer,
Stream  outStream 

Open a new writer instance to write to an output stream, using a Null codec

writerDatum writer to use.
outStreamStream to write to.
A new file writer.

◆ OpenWriter() [3/6]

static IFileWriter<T> Avro.File.DataFileWriter< T >.OpenWriter ( DatumWriter< T >  writer,
Stream  outStream,
bool  leaveOpen 

Open a new writer instance to write to an output stream, using a Null codec

writerDatum writer to use.
outStreamStream to write to.
leaveOpenLeave the stream open after disposing the object
A new file writer.

◆ OpenWriter() [4/6]

static IFileWriter<T> Avro.File.DataFileWriter< T >.OpenWriter ( DatumWriter< T >  writer,
string  path,
Codec  codec 

Open a new writer instance to write to a file path with a specified codec

writerDatum writer to use.
pathPath to the file.
codecCodec to use when writing.
A new file writer.

◆ OpenWriter() [5/6]

static IFileWriter<T> Avro.File.DataFileWriter< T >.OpenWriter ( DatumWriter< T >  writer,
Stream  outStream,
Codec  codec 

Open a new writer instance to write to an output stream with a specified codec

writerDatum writer to use.
outStreamStream to write to.
codecCodec to use when writing.
A new file writer.

◆ OpenWriter() [6/6]

static IFileWriter<T> Avro.File.DataFileWriter< T >.OpenWriter ( DatumWriter< T >  writer,
Stream  outStream,
Codec  codec,
bool  leaveOpen 

Open a new writer instance to write to an output stream with a specified codec

writerDatum writer to use.
outStreamStream to write to.
codecCodec to use when writing.
leaveOpenLeave the stream open after disposing the object
A new file writer.

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