
Meta information associated with component types can be expressed directly in XML or documented in javadoc tags within the component source code. The javadoc tag approach ensures that specifications are maintain with respective sources. Generation of meta info is achieved through a meta-info generation tool. Tools are provided for both Ant and Maven.

Tag List

Tag Scope Description
@avalon.component class Identifies a class as a component Type.
@avalon.attribute class An attribute associated with a containing type or service.
@avalon.service class Service export declaration from a type (in a class) or Service declaration in a interface.
@avalon.stage class Lifecycle stage dependency declaration.
@avalon.extension class Lifecycle stage handling capability declaration.
@avalon.logger enableLogging Logging channel name declaration.
@avalon.configuration configure Configuration validation schema declaration.
@avalon.context contextualize Declaration of a specialized context class.
@avalon.entry contextualize Context entry declaration.
@avalon.dependency service Declaration of a service dependency.