Advanced Features

Composite Blocks

A container can declare services that it exports. In such a case the container declares one or more service directives that map components declared within itself as service providers. This mechanism enables a container to appear as a regular component relative to other components.

Content supporting this tutorial is available under the tutorials/composition directory.

Sample Container

The following container definition includes:

  • an application component

  • a location provider block included by reference

  • an application block included by reference

The application block declares dependencies on a location and publishing service. The location and publishing block declare that they provide these respective services. As a part of the general component assembly process - Merlin will assemble blocks relative to the services and dependencies they declare. When a block is deployed, it appears to other components as a component providing the services it exports. However in practice these services are provided by components defined within the container (i.e. the container represents the definition of a virtual component and the containers components and subcontainers represent the virtual component implementation).

The top level application block declaration (block.xml):

<container name="application">

           <resource id="avalon-framework:avalon-framework-impl" version="4.1.5"/>
           <resource id="merlin-tutorial:locator-api" version="1.0"/>
           <resource id="merlin-tutorial:publisher-api" version="1.0"/>
           <resource id="merlin-tutorial:application-impl" version="1.0"/>

     note: each of the following include directives is equivalent to 
     a nested container declaration - using include or declaraing a 
     sub-container is semantically equivalent

     <include name="location" id="merlin-tutorial:locator-impl" version="1.0"/>
     <include name="publisher" id="merlin-tutorial:publisher-impl" version="1.0"/>

     <component name="application" 


If we look at the location block (as an example) we will see a corresponding service declaration. This declaration includes a source reference that is a relative component path that tells Merlin to use the sub-component named "location" as the component that will fulfil the service published by this block.

<container name="locator">

     <service type="tutorial.location.LocationService">

         <resource id="avalon-framework:avalon-framework-api" version="SNAPSHOT"/>
         <resource id="avalon-framework:avalon-framework-impl" version="SNAPSHOT"/>
         <resource id="merlin-tutorial:locator-api" version="1.0"/>
         <resource id="merlin-tutorial:locator-impl" version="1.0"/>

   <component name="info" 



To run build and run the example please use the following commands:

$ cd application/impl
$ maven build
$ merlin target\*.jar -repository %MAVEN_HOME% -execute

The log output demonstrates the deployment by Merlin of the blocks in the correct order (based on dependency resolution) and the execution of the test application.

[INFO   ] (application.publisher.publisher): created
[INFO   ] ( location: Paris
[INFO   ] (application.application): servicing application
[INFO   ] ( location: Paris
[INFO   ] (application.publisher.publisher): created
[INFO   ] (application.publisher.publisher):
* Paris
[INFO   ] (application.application): done


The primary benefit of using block level services and dependencies is isolation of a block implementation from the public services it provides.