Runtime Management

Runtime management deals with interaction with a component between the incarnation and etherialization stages. The Avalon framework defines the notion of a suspendable component. The framework also defines a number of delivery interfaces dealing with reintroduction of lifecycle artificats. None of the framework reintroduction interfaces are supported - instead, runtime management is approached as a management concern wherein any existing artifact delivery interface may be reused by a container while a component is under a suspended state. The action of resumption is equivalent to the notion of re-initialization.

Runtime Stage Table


A component implementing the the Suspendable lifecycle may be suspended by a container management system. Following suspension a container may re-apply lifecycle artifact delivery stages (logging, contextualization, service, parameterization).

Suspendable Example:

     * Suspend the component.
     public void suspend()


A component implementing the the Suspendable lifecycle may be placed back into operation following suspension by a container management system.

Suspendable Example:

     * Resume execution.
     public void resume()