Avalon Composition Subsystem

The composition model is the essential fabric that ties together the Merlin model-drive architecture.


Feature Description
Model Integration Avalon Composition ties together component and underlying component type model , component and container deployment directives, and the runtime environment .
Model Driven The composition model API provides support for dynamic management of the containment model - enabling full model-driven control.
Context Management The composition package provides comprehensive support for the defintion of domain specific context handling - eliminating dependency on classic Avalon deployment solutions. Context entry handling supports custom object creation patterns and multiple context entry creation semantics.
Configuration Management The multi-tired configuration model covering static type based defaults, packaged configuration profiles, explicit deployment configurations, and overridding configurations.
Dependency Management Support for automatic assembly, assembly directive overrides, and plugabble candidate selection semantics.
Classloader Management Leveraging the Avalon Repository resource management facilities, the composition package provides support for logical artifacts that are independent of a particular physical url, including system and application cache management