Uses of Interface

Packages that use LogTarget
org.apache.log Avalon LogKit is the logging framework used throughout the Avalon project. 
org.apache.log.output This package contains some useful output destination LogTargets. 
org.apache.log.output.db Database output destination LogTargets. Stream anf file based output destination LogTargets. Log file rotation policies. 
org.apache.log.output.jms JMS based output destination LogTargets. 
org.apache.log.output.lf5 LogFactor5 (Swing GUI) based LogTarget. Datagram, Socket and SMTP output destination LogTargets. 

Uses of LogTarget in org.apache.log

Methods in org.apache.log with parameters of type LogTarget
 void Hierarchy.setDefaultLogTarget(LogTarget target)
          Set the default log target for hierarchy.
 void Hierarchy.setDefaultLogTargets(LogTarget[] targets)
          Set the default log targets for this hierarchy.
 void Logger.setLogTargets(LogTarget[] logTargets)
          Set the log targets for this logger.

Uses of LogTarget in org.apache.log.output

Classes in org.apache.log.output that implement LogTarget
 class AbstractOutputTarget
          Abstract output target.
 class AbstractTarget
          Abstract target.
 class AbstractWrappingTarget
          Abstract base class for targets that wrap other targets.
 class AsyncLogTarget
          An asynchronous LogTarget that sends entries on in another thread.
 class MemoryTarget
          Output LogEvents into an buffer in memory.
 class NullOutputLogTarget
          A output target that does nothing.
 class PriorityFilteringTarget
          This is a priority filtering target that forwards only requests to other (wrapped) targets that have the same or a higher priority.
 class ServletOutputLogTarget
          Generic logging interface.

Methods in org.apache.log.output that return LogTarget
protected  LogTarget AbstractWrappingTarget.getLogTarget()
          Return the target for subclasses

Methods in org.apache.log.output with parameters of type LogTarget
 void PriorityFilteringTarget.addTarget(LogTarget target)
          Add a new target to output chain.

Constructors in org.apache.log.output with parameters of type LogTarget
AbstractWrappingTarget(LogTarget logTarget, boolean closeWrappedTarget)
          Creation of a new wrapping log target.
AbstractWrappingTarget(LogTarget logTarget)
          Creation of a new wrapping log target.
AsyncLogTarget(LogTarget logTarget)
          Creation of a new async log target.
AsyncLogTarget(LogTarget logTarget, int queueSize)
          Creation of a new async log target.
AsyncLogTarget(LogTarget logTarget, boolean closeTarget)
          Creation of a new async log target.
AsyncLogTarget(LogTarget logTarget, int queueSize, boolean closeTarget)
          Creation of a new async log target.
MemoryTarget(LogTarget target, int size, Priority threshold)
          Creation of a new instance of the memory target.

Uses of LogTarget in org.apache.log.output.db

Classes in org.apache.log.output.db that implement LogTarget
 class AbstractJDBCTarget
          Abstract JDBC target.
 class DefaultJDBCTarget
          The basic DB target for configurable output formats.
 class NormalizedJDBCTarget
          JDBC target that writes to normalized tables.

Uses of LogTarget in

Classes in that implement LogTarget
 class FileTarget
          A basic target that writes to a File.
 class SafeFileTarget
          A target that will open and close a file for each logevent.
 class StreamTarget
          A basic target that writes to an OutputStream.
 class WriterTarget
          This target outputs to a writer.

Uses of LogTarget in

Classes in that implement LogTarget
 class RotatingFileTarget
          This is a basic Output log target that writes to rotating files.

Uses of LogTarget in org.apache.log.output.jms

Classes in org.apache.log.output.jms that implement LogTarget
 class AbstractJMSTarget
          A target that writes to a JMS Topic.
 class JMSQueueTarget
          A target that writes to a JMS Queue.
 class JMSTopicTarget
          A target that writes to a JMS Topic.

Uses of LogTarget in org.apache.log.output.lf5

Classes in org.apache.log.output.lf5 that implement LogTarget
 class LF5LogTarget
          A LogTarget that displays log events using the LogFactor5 Swing GUI.

Uses of LogTarget in

Classes in that implement LogTarget
 class DatagramOutputTarget
          A datagram output target.
 class SMTPOutputLogTarget
          Logkit output target that logs data via SMTP.
 class SocketOutputTarget
          SocketOutputTarget Useful for writing the output to a TCP/IP client socket.

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