Multicast Log Target


The multicast target is a target that handles the redirection of a logging event to one or more log targets. This target is typically used in conjuction with different filters to control and qualify the information presented to different targets. For example, an application my configure a console target with summary warning and error reports to console, and a detailed error logg with full stack trace to a rotating file target. The multiplex target enabled the declaration of a single logical target and the subsequent formatting and generation of log message appropriate for the relative targets.


    <multicast id="multicast">
      <targetref id="standard"/>
      <targetref id="simple"/>


Attributes Description
id The log target identifier.
Nested Element Description
targetref A reference to an existing log target. The element contains an id attribute whos value is the id of an existing logging target. Log events directed to the multiplex target will be redirected to the logging target identified by the taargetref id attribute value. Multiple targetref elements may be contained within a multicast element.