Active Committers

The current avalon committers are: bloritsch, colus, cziegeler, jefft, leif, leosimons, leosutic, mirceatoma, mcconnell, neeme, proyal,vinayc, farra

Inactive Committers

The current inactive avalon committers (an inactive committer is someone who hasn't done a cvs commit in three months, or hasn't bothered to move himself from this list to the one above) are: charlesb, ramc, giacomo, rana_b, froehlich, lmccay, jrudd, morpheus, crafterm, huw, ymikulski, mschier, stefano

Emeritus Committers

The current emeritus committers (an emeritus committer is someone who is not active within the avalon project anymore) are: jon, fede


We've been rather sloppy in maintaining lists of these peeps. Many, many people help out with avalon in one way or another, be it by providing infrastructure or project resources, guidance and advice, patches, or user feedback. You can find many names in the avalon mailing list archives and in the sources. People, even if we don't keep a list of y'all, thanks for all your good work!