A local directory to be used as the cache. If not
declared, the value defaults to '[MERLIN-HOME]/repository'.
Declaration of proxy host, port and credentials.
A list of remote repositories.
Merlin provides a resouces repository against which jar files may be resolved relative to group, artifact and version. Aspects of the repository may be qualified using the <repository> element.
<!-- declaration of the local repository -->
The default local cache is the [MERLIN-HOME]/repository.
In the following example the local cache is changed
to use the Maven repository.
If a resource cannot be located in the local repository
cache, Merlin will attempt to locate the resource in one
or more remote repositories. If you have a proxy server
you will need to declare it under the proxy element. If
you declare a proxy, the host and port elements must be
declared. You can also declare a 'credentials' element if
your proxy requires password authentication.
Merlin will attempt to locate resource from the local cache.
If a resource is unavailable, Merlin willl attempt to
download the resource from one or more remote hosts. The
hosts element contains the list of hosts that Merlin should
attempt to connect to when resolving unsatisfied resource