Interface RepositoryScanner

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RepositoryScanner


Field Summary
static long FRESH_SCAN
          The value to pass to scan(ManagedRepository, long) to have the scan operate in a fresh fashion, with no check on changes based on timestamp.
           Typical Ignorable Content patterns.
Method Summary
 Set<RepositoryScannerInstance> getInProgressScans()
 RepositoryScanStatistics scan(ManagedRepository repository, List<KnownRepositoryContentConsumer> knownContentConsumers, List<InvalidRepositoryContentConsumer> invalidContentConsumers, List<String> ignoredContentPatterns, long changesSince)
          Scan the repository for content changes.
 RepositoryScanStatistics scan(ManagedRepository repository, long changesSince)
          Scan the repository for content changes.

Field Detail


static final long FRESH_SCAN
The value to pass to scan(ManagedRepository, long) to have the scan operate in a fresh fashion, with no check on changes based on timestamp.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String[] IGNORABLE_CONTENT

Typical Ignorable Content patterns.

NOTE: Do not use for normal webapp or task driven repository scanning.

These patterns are only valid for archiva-cli and archiva-converter use.

Method Detail


RepositoryScanStatistics scan(ManagedRepository repository,
                              long changesSince)
                              throws RepositoryScannerException
Scan the repository for content changes.

Internally, this will use the as-configured known and invalid consumer lists.

repository - the repository to change.
changesSince - the timestamp to use as a threshold on what is considered new or changed. (To have all content be taken into consideration regardless of timestamp, use the FRESH_SCAN constant)
the statistics for this scan.
RepositoryScannerException - if there was a fundamental problem with getting the discoverer started.


RepositoryScanStatistics scan(ManagedRepository repository,
                              List<KnownRepositoryContentConsumer> knownContentConsumers,
                              List<InvalidRepositoryContentConsumer> invalidContentConsumers,
                              List<String> ignoredContentPatterns,
                              long changesSince)
                              throws RepositoryScannerException
Scan the repository for content changes.

Internally, this will use the as-configured known and invalid consumer lists.

repository - the repository to change.
knownContentConsumers - the list of consumers that follow the KnownRepositoryContentConsumer interface that should be used for this scan.
invalidContentConsumers - the list of consumers that follow the InvalidRepositoryContentConsumer interface that should be used for this scan.
ignoredContentPatterns - list of patterns that should be ignored and not sent to any consumer.
changesSince - the timestamp to use as a threshold on what is considered new or changed. (To have all content be taken into consideration regardless of timestamp, use the FRESH_SCAN constant)
the statistics for this scan.
RepositoryScannerException - if there was a fundamental problem with getting the discoverer started.


Set<RepositoryScannerInstance> getInProgressScans()

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