Interface RepositoryListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RepositoryListener

Listen to events on the repository. This class is a stopgap refactoring measure until an event bus is in place to handle generic events such as these.

This assumes that the events occur before the action has completed, though they don't currently offer any mechanism to prevent an event from occurring or guarantee that it will happen.

FIXME: this needs to be made more permanent since 3rd party plugins will depend on it heavily

Method Summary
 void addArtifact(RepositorySession session, String repoId, String namespace, String projectId, ProjectVersionMetadata metadata)
 void addArtifactProblem(RepositorySession session, String repoId, String namespace, String projectId, String projectVersion, RepositoryStorageMetadataException exception)
 void deleteArtifact(MetadataRepository metadataRepository, String repositoryId, String namespace, String project, String version, String id)

Method Detail


void deleteArtifact(MetadataRepository metadataRepository,
                    String repositoryId,
                    String namespace,
                    String project,
                    String version,
                    String id)


void addArtifact(RepositorySession session,
                 String repoId,
                 String namespace,
                 String projectId,
                 ProjectVersionMetadata metadata)


void addArtifactProblem(RepositorySession session,
                        String repoId,
                        String namespace,
                        String projectId,
                        String projectVersion,
                        RepositoryStorageMetadataException exception)

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