Uses of Class

Packages that use ProxyException

Uses of ProxyException in org.apache.archiva.proxy

Subclasses of ProxyException in org.apache.archiva.proxy
 class NotFoundException
          NotFoundException - thrown when the resource requested was not found on the remote repository.
 class NotModifiedException
           NotModifiedException - thrown when the resource requested was found on the remote repository, but the remote repository reported that the copy we have in our managed repository is newer than the one present on the remote repository.

Methods in org.apache.archiva.proxy that throw ProxyException
private  void DefaultRepositoryProxyConnectors.moveFileIfExists(File fileToMove, File directory)
          Moves the file into repository location if it exists
private  void DefaultRepositoryProxyConnectors.moveTempToTarget(File temp, File target)
          Used to move the temporary file to its real destination.
private  void DefaultRepositoryProxyConnectors.transferArtifact(org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon wagon, RemoteRepositoryContent remoteRepository, String remotePath, ManagedRepositoryContent repository, File resource, File tmpDirectory, File destFile)
private  void DefaultRepositoryProxyConnectors.transferChecksum(org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon wagon, RemoteRepositoryContent remoteRepository, String remotePath, ManagedRepositoryContent repository, File resource, File tmpDirectory, String ext, File destFile)
           Quietly transfer the checksum file from the remote repository to the local file.
private  File DefaultRepositoryProxyConnectors.transferFile(ProxyConnector connector, RemoteRepositoryContent remoteRepository, String remotePath, ManagedRepositoryContent repository, File resource, Properties requestProperties, boolean executeConsumers)
          Perform the transfer of the file.
protected  void DefaultRepositoryProxyConnectors.transferResources(ProxyConnector connector, RemoteRepositoryContent remoteRepository, File tmpMd5, File tmpSha1, File tmpResource, String url, String remotePath, File resource, File workingDirectory, ManagedRepositoryContent repository)
private  void DefaultRepositoryProxyConnectors.transferSimpleFile(org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon wagon, RemoteRepositoryContent remoteRepository, String remotePath, ManagedRepositoryContent repository, File origFile, File destFile)
          Perform the transfer of the remote file to the local file specified.

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