Package org.apache.archiva.policies

Interface Summary
DownloadErrorPolicy Policy to apply after the download has completed, but before the resource is made available to the calling client.
DownloadPolicy DownloadPolicy
PostDownloadPolicy Policy to apply after the download has completed, but before the resource is made available to the calling client.
PreDownloadPolicy Policy to apply before the download is attempted.

Class Summary
AbstractUpdatePolicy AbstractUpdatePolicy
CachedFailuresPolicy PreDownloadPolicy to check if the requested url has failed before.
ChecksumPolicy ChecksumPolicy - a policy applied after the download to see if the file has been downloaded successfully and completely (or not).
PropagateErrorsDownloadPolicy PropagateErrorsPolicy - a policy applied on error to determine how to treat the error.
PropagateErrorsOnUpdateDownloadPolicy PropagateErrorsPolicy - a policy applied on error to determine how to treat the error.
ReleasesPolicy PreDownloadPolicy to apply for released versions.
SnapshotsPolicy PreDownloadPolicy to apply for snapshot versions.

Exception Summary
PolicyConfigurationException PolicyConfigurationException is thrown when a policy cannot be executed due to a configuration issue.
PolicyViolationException PolicyViolationException
ProxyDownloadException One or more exceptions occurred downloading from a remote repository during the proxy phase.

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