Package org.apache.archiva.model

Interface Summary
ArchivaArtifactPlatformDetails A tag for objects that are considered ArchivaArtifactPlatformDetails.
CompoundKey Tag for identifying a Compound Key

Class Summary
ArchivaAll This object is only used for the XML backup / restore features of Archiva.
ArchivaArtifact ArchivaArtifact - Mutable artifact object.
ArchivaArtifactModel Class ArchivaArtifactModel.
ArchivaModelCloner Utility methods for cloning various Archiva Model objects.
ArchivaRepositoryMetadata Class ArchivaRepositoryMetadata.
ArtifactReference Class ArtifactReference.
Keys Keys - utility methods for converting common objects into string keys.
Plugin The Plugin.
ProjectReference A reference to another (unversioned) Project.
RepositoryURL RepositoryURL - Mutable (and protocol forgiving) URL object.
SnapshotVersion The Snapshot Version.
VersionedReference A reference to another Versioned Project.

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