Interface Task

public interface Task

Task is the core interface for all structures that will be processed by the TaskEngine.

Field Summary
static char NAME_SEPARATOR
Method Summary
 void execute(org.apache.ant.engine.TaskEngine engine)
          Causes the existing Task implementation to execute.
 java.lang.String getAttributeValue(java.lang.String name)
          Each Task will hold its attributes in some manner.
 Task[] getChildren()
          Returns the an array of Task objects that are subordinate to this Task.
 int getExecutionMode()
          Determines whether this Task is executed whenever its parent is executed, or if its execution must be specifically requested.
 java.lang.String getFullyQualifiedName()
          The "fully-qualified" name of a Task is the Task's name, prepended by its parent's name, prepended by its parent's name, etc.
 Task getParent()
          Returns this Task's parent Task.
 Task getRootTask()
          Proceed backwards through the nodes until we come across the first Task in the tree.
 Task getTask(java.lang.String taskPath)
          A mechanism for locating a task relative to the current task.
 java.lang.String getTaskName()
          Just a simple name used to identify a Task.
 void init(org.apache.ant.engine.TaskEngine engine)
          Called when the Task first gets "noticed" by the TaskEngine.
 boolean isPropertyContainer()
          Determines whether a Task is suitable for holding property values.
 void setParent(Task parent)
          Sets the Task's parent.
 void validate()
          Each Task should have the ability to validate its state.

Field Detail


public static final int EXECUTION_MODE_IMPLICIT


public static final int EXECUTION_MODE_EXPLICIT


public static final int EXECUTION_MODE_PRIORITY


public static final char NAME_SEPARATOR
Method Detail


public void execute(org.apache.ant.engine.TaskEngine engine)
             throws org.apache.ant.AntException
Causes the existing Task implementation to execute.


public void init(org.apache.ant.engine.TaskEngine engine)
          throws org.apache.ant.AntException
Called when the Task first gets "noticed" by the TaskEngine.


public void validate()
              throws org.apache.ant.AntException
Each Task should have the ability to validate its state. This would be invoked by the TaskEngine prior to commencing an execution cycle.


public java.lang.String getTaskName()
Just a simple name used to identify a Task. This name is only sufficient for simple debugging and GUI output. It does not uniquely identify a Task.
See Also:


public Task getTask(java.lang.String taskPath)
A mechanism for locating a task relative to the current task. This navigation sceme will mimic a typical OS system. '..' will move back a level in the Task tree. If taskPath begins with '/' then the root node will be used as a starting point.

Returns null of no task is found at this location.


public Task getRootTask()
Proceed backwards through the nodes until we come across the first Task in the tree. This is the root Task.


public java.lang.String getFullyQualifiedName()
The "fully-qualified" name of a Task is the Task's name, prepended by its parent's name, prepended by its parent's name, etc. This method may be used by the Task's hashCode() method to calculate a hash that will uniquely identify a Task.


public int getExecutionMode()
Determines whether this Task is executed whenever its parent is executed, or if its execution must be specifically requested.

Requires interaction by the TaskEngine in order to execute.
This Task is automatically executed when its parent is executed.
These Tasks are executed prior to its parent's execution

The default mode should probably be EXECUTION_MODE_IMPLICIT. In the build domain of Ant, every Task below a Task will normally be executed. The major exception to this is the Target. When a Project Task is executed, all Target Tasks do not automatically fire, however all Property Tasks do execute.


public boolean isPropertyContainer()
Determines whether a Task is suitable for holding property values.


public java.lang.String getAttributeValue(java.lang.String name)
Each Task will hold its attributes in some manner. This method will allow the Task implementation to return the value of its attribute.


public Task getParent()
Returns this Task's parent Task. If this Task is the root Task, then this method will return null.


public void setParent(Task parent)
Sets the Task's parent.


public Task[] getChildren()
Returns the an array of Task objects that are subordinate to this Task.