## Rafael Weingärtner ## **What's your name?** I am Rafael Weingärtner. **What Apache project(s)/Open Source Software project(s) are you involved in?** Apache CloudStack and IOTA **Were you a student/academic at the time of ApacheCon?** Yes, I was a Ph.D. Student in Computer Science  **Where in the world are you from?** Brazil **What was the best bit about ApacheCon?** The opportunity to meet great people from all around the world. Not just technical folks, but also people that know how to create and manage huge projects on a daily basis. Also Lightning talks; I swear that I am not only saying that because there were free beers and snacks ;) **What was the best new project you heardabout at ApacheCon?** Chronix, a database system based on Lucene and Solr that is optimized for timeseries. That was kind of unexpected to see a project like that can solve someof the problems I am facing in my Ph. D. It was also interesting to see otherscholars actively participating and engaging in the Apache world. The Chronixwas a nice example; it is mainly developed by a Ph.D. student. **What was your favourite non-talk part of ApacheCon?** The event at the Steamworks Brewing Company. Great beer and lots of fun. **Who was the best person you met at ApacheCon, and why?** Daan Hoogland; this guy is awesome. He is in the Apache CloudStack PMC, and we have been working together for over 4 years. We exchange emails weekly, and ApacheCon NA was the opportunity to meet and share a beer. Daan is not just a great coder and PMC member, but also an great friend. **What unexpected things did you learn at ApacheCon?** Apache Fey, which is part of Apache IOTA. This project is what I was looking for to serve the base for a system that I have been building. **What would you say to someone thinking ofapplying to TAC for the first time?** Go for it ;)