## Bhargav Golla ## **What's your name?** Bhargav Golla **What Apache project are you involved in?** I was involved with Apache PhotArk (Retired project), and Apache Isis, as Google Summer of Code Developer **Were you a student/academic at the time of ApacheCon?** Yes, I was a student. **Where in the world are you from?** I am a student at Clemson University, Clemson, SC. **What was the best bit about ApacheCon?** Being able to meet all the great committers from the community, and listening from each of them first hand about their experiences. **What was the most interesting thing you learned at ApacheCon?** Though working on ASF Projects, I wasn't aware of the reasons why many open source projects like to get under the umbrella of ASF. The session on "But we're already open source! Why would I want to bring my code to Apache?" was very informative, and so were the other sessions which were tuned towards people to understand more about ASF. **What was the best new project you heard about at ApacheCon?** Kafka. I had vaguely heard about it, but realized how widespread this tool is in many enterprises. **What was your favourite non-talk part of ApacheCon?** The Committer Receptions and the Closing receptions where all the committers and attendees could hangout and share things in a very informal and comfortable way. And also the free goodies provided by ASF and sponsors. **How did the Travel Assistance program compare to your expectations?** Travel assistance program exceeded my expectations. I assumed that this program is about just a way for conference attendees to get sponsored. But all the recipients were expected to help in the organization of sessions. This led to increased involvement in the conference, and also more relations forming among the Travel assistance recipients. **What would you say to someone thinking of applying to TAC for the first time?** Take your time to answer the questionnaire in detail so that the TAC committee can understand your case well and make sure that you are funded. -------------------------------------------------------------------