The Apache Software Foundation Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 15, 2009 1. Call to order The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am (Pacific) and began at 10:03 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and SpringSource. IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes. 2. Roll Call Directors Present: Shane Curcuru Doug Cutting Justin Erenkrantz Roy T. Fielding Jim Jagielski Geir Magnusson, Jr. Brian McCallister Brett Porter Greg Stein Directors Absent: none Guests: David Blevins Niclas Hedhman Serge Knystautas Gavin McDonald Sam Ruby Bill Stoddard Sander Striker [left at 10:30am] Henri Yandell 3. Minutes from previous meetings Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL: A. The meeting of March 18, 2009 See: board_minutes_2009_03_18.txt Approved. B. The meeting of April 15, 2009 See: board_minutes_2009_04_15.txt Tabled. C. The special meeting of April 28, 2009 See: board_minutes_2009_04_28.txt Approved. D. The meeting of May 20, 2009 See: board_minutes_2009_05_20.txt Approved. E. The meeting of June 17, 2009 See: board_minutes_2009_06_17.txt Tabled. 4. Executive Officer Reports A. Chairman [Jim] The big news of the month is that we had our annual ASF members meeting, held via IRC, on July 7th ("thru" July 9th). Although official numbers aren't posted yet, we had an extremely large turnout, both in attendance as well as in the poll, casting votes. We voted in 21 new members; the names are not yet public until all new members have been contacted and we receive their signed member applications. By next months meeting, however, we'll be able to note their names for the record. We also saw a large turnover in the board as well, with 5 new directors joining 4 returning directors. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the previous directors (Bertrand Delacretaz, J Aaron Farr, William Rowe Jr, Sam Ruby and Henning Schmiedehausen) and to welcome in the "new guys" (Shane Curcuru, Doug Cutting, Roy T. Fielding, Brian McCallister and Brett Porter). Because of the large turnover, the board has decided to postpone Executive Officer appointments until September. Still an open topic is the question regarding directors also being officers. The general consensus seems to be that having a formal rule in place pre- venting it seems overkill, but that it should be strongly discouraged. The overall responsibility for the decision rests on the board (and the individual as well). As per our policy, raw board ballots have been committed to SVN. Good, healthy discussion is continuing on members@ regarding topics such as additional fundraising techniques (eg: and others. Work is also continuing regarding our presence at OSCON. The old conference-call account is going away the end of this month. We are getting a new service, also donated by SpringSource. I will forward account info to directors and officers later on this week. As with the old, this is an ASF-specific account for foundation use. Without a doubt, this year will be an interesting one. B. President [Justin] Sander and I along with some other volunteers will be manning an ASF booth at OSCON next week in San Jose. We should have postcards to hand out to people who stop by our booth. The annual catching up and exchange of war stories between foundation folks will be happening on Sunday and Monday. If possible, we will try to also touch base with any sponsors (including potentials!) who are at OSCON. SCP has approached Noirin and I about how we wish to proceed with AC contract discussions. It would be nice to get some feedback from the new Board about what they wish to see as the outcome. If no feedback is forthcoming, then Noirin and I will proceed as we see fit. I largely expect that this summer should be relatively quiet as the new Board gets its bearings and decide what it wants to see accomplished (and, perhaps, more importantly, what it doesn't want to accomplish). Discussion: Jim: should Concom prepare something for the board to consider, or should the board take the initiative? Justin: it would be useful for the board to take a position given that a number of directors took a position. Jim: how hard would it be for concom to come up with a position. Justin: it would be helpful if the board decided major things like whether we want ApacheCon at all, cut it, continue it, etc. Jim: lets take this to the board mailing list. Aaron: suggests concom@ Jim: If the intent is to collect the board's input, lets start it on board@. C. Treasurer [Geir] Books are currently up to date as of 2009-07-13 for checking, savings and credit card accounts. Contributions: - Current PayPal balance is $12,397.90 USD. Contributions via PayPal for June 2009 were $1135.33. This is not reflected in statement of position below. (I want the reports to always accurately represent Quickbooks data). PayPal history reporting seems to be often broken. - IONA 2009 invoice paid on 7/13 ($20,000) - Google 2009 invoice paid on 6/30 ($100,000) - Google 2008 partial invoice outstanding (not a worry) - Note that YHOO and MSFT Plat sponsorship anniversary is Aug 2009. AFAIK, I have not been requested to issue any invoices. Tasks Done: - bills : Avnet. Note there is a $4700 bill awaiting PRC approval - resent Sunstar check again. We are in sync. - PayPal and I don't get along because PayPal is often broken and their reports never give totals. How hard could this be? In Progress: - Getting thank-you info together for Phil Todo : - Move Sunstar, Sally, (?) to direct pay if they are willing - FY2008 taxes - due date is August 15th - Find place for cash above FDIC limit (e.g. CDs) - review switching from accrual to cash accounting 1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - June 2009 - Accrual Basis Ordinary Income/Expense Income Interest Income 122.71 Contributions Income Unrestricted 50,010.00 Total Contributions Income 50,010.00 Total Income 50,132.71 Expense Bank Service Charges 340.31 Contract Labor 800.00 Postage and Delivery 19.95 Program Expenses Infrastructure Colocation Expenses 518.00 Infrastructure Staff 12,000.00 (1) Infrastructure - Other 4,072.53 Total Infrastructure 16,590.53 Public Relations Public Relations Staff 3,636.36 Total Public Relations 3,636.36 Total Program Expenses 20,226.89 Total Expense 21,387.15 Net Ordinary Income 28,745.56 Net Income 28,745.56 Note 1 : The extra 6k was for the returned check last month. 2) Statement of Financial Position - As of June 30 - Accrual Basis Jun 30, 09 Jun 30, 08 $ Change % Change ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Paypal 10,885.17 154.30 10,730.87 6,954.6% Wells Fargo Analyzed Account 120,018.91 103,434.33 16,584.58 16.0% Wells Fargo Savings 284,171.69 157,450.03 126,721.66 80.5% Total Checking/Savings 415,075.77 261,038.66 154,037.11 59.0% Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable 70,000.00 0.00 70,000.00 100.0% Total Accounts Receivable 70,000.00 0.00 70,000.00 100.0% Total Current Assets 485,075.77 261,038.66 224,037.11 85.8% TOTAL ASSETS 485,075.77 261,038.66 224,037.11 85.8% LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Credit Cards ASF Credit Card - Ruby 39.90 0.00 39.90 100.0% ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz 0.00 1,273.31 -1,273.31 -100.0% Total Credit Cards 39.90 1,273.31 -1,233.41 -96.9% Total Current Liabilities 39.90 1,273.31 -1,233.41 -96.9% Total Liabilities 39.90 1,273.31 -1,233.41 -96.9% Equity Retained Earnings 363,508.34 261,948.68 101,559.66 38.8% Net Income 121,527.53 -2,183.33 123,710.86 5,666.2% Total Equity 485,035.87 259,765.35 225,270.52 86.7% TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 485,075.77 261,038.66 224,037.11 85.8% 3) Ad-hoc Budget Tracking Summary : We're way behind in income on a flat monthly plan, but we're also far ahead in expenses. (Expenses are less their budget by more than income is less than target, on a percentage basis.) Income : Current monthly income target is $541,200 / 12 = $45,100 Interest income : $122 Paypal Contributions : $1135 Sponsorship contributions for June 2009 : Platinum : ($100,000 / 12 = $8333) Microsoft $8333 Yahoo $8333 Google $8333 Silver : ($20,000 / 12 = $1667) HP $1667 Bronze : ($5,000 / 12 = $417) BlueNog $417 Intuit $417 Joost $417 Mullenweg $417 Sponsorship Subtotal : $28,333 Monthly Total : $29,590 % of monthly target : 66% YTD Total : $58,284 % of annual plan : 11% Expense : Current monthly expense budget is $404,541 / 12 = $33,711 Expense for June 2009 (cash basis) : $20,226 % of monthly target : 60% (this is good!) YTD Total : $33,751 % of plan : 8% Discussion: justin: avnet bill for $4700 isn't PRC, but infra geir: that's two separate entries; avnet is paid, $4700 is for infra aaron: are all PayPal transactions up to date? geir: no, but I will be getting a pro to help me... D. Secretary [Sam] Two thirds (literally: 14/21) of the membership applications have been received and processed. I've verified that everyone voted in has been contacted and will follow up closer to the deadline if there are any remaining stragglers. I had a number of people indicate that they wished to go emeritus, but only received two forms. Those have been processed. While my evil plan to get motivated officers to process CLAs and grants in accordance with their best interests hasn't attracted many volunteers, "where's my fax?" questions have all but disappeared. I guess that's an acceptable outcome. Given the investment in automation, and without the time pressure, the actual time it takes to read and enter one name and one email address per form isn't all that much of a burden. Once minutes are approved, they will be posted. And just so it is totally clear, and despite my previous indications that I intended to step down, I've agreed to stay on through September as Secretary, if that is the wish of the board. E. Executive Vice President [Sander Striker] As per Justin, we're going to be at OSCON, manning the booth, getting in touch with Sponsors, and meeting up with folks from other foundations. In the September and October timeframe there are some speaking opportunities in Europe; need to finalize my calendar and travel schedule. Discussion: Roy: what is the current status of the EA search? Sander: want to get an impression of the new board before proceeding Roy: preference is to assume the mandate of the previous board continues Sander: the previous board was divided Roy: my guess is the current board is too Jim: we should restart it, and rehashing everything would not be a good use of our time Sander: I have time on Friday Jim: great! Executive officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent. 5. Additional Officer Reports 1. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr] See Attachment 1 Jim re-confirmed that it was his intent to add W3C to the board schedule. 2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 2 3. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Doug] See Attachment 3 4. Apache Conference Planning Project [Noirin Shirley / Brett] See Attachment 4 Shane: BFBB costs: when will we know if sponsorship/registration targets are met? Bill Rowe: As for the specific targets, and how they relate to the main welcome reception/bfbb and bfbb/afterparty/rave, I will raise these questions at the scheduled planning meeting on Thursday (sadly the day after the directors have met) and provide more concrete data and updates in the August report. Note that one Platinum sponsor is currently confirmed. 5. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski] See Attachment 5 Roy: I would add to Hen's list: Resp. for content of press kit. Jim: I will pass 'press kit' info to PRC. Geir: Progress/IONA money was received. 6. Apache Infrastructure Team [Paul Querna / Justin] See Attachment 6 7. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Gavin McDonald / Geir] See Attachment 7 Greg: what's up with SCP? Bill Rowe: Quoting Charel Morris on 7/14; "And I know I owe you back invoices -- I promise they are on my todo list." Roy: Why is TAC requesting invoices from SCP anyway? Jim: Who wants to take point in passing these back to TAC? Additional officer reports approved as submitted by General Consent. 6. Committee Reports A. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Hiram Chirino / Greg] See Attachment A Greg to verify that the sandbox work is community driven, and to remind Hiram to update committee-info.txt. B. Apache APR Project [Bojan Smojver / Justin] See Attachment B C. Apache Attic Project [Henri Yandell / Brian] See Attachment C General agreement that this report should become quarterly. D. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Jim] See Attachment D No report provided. Jim to check into and suggest that Attic be explored as an alternative. E. Apache CXF Project [J. Daniel Kulp / Roy] See Attachment E Kudos for the test passing! F. Apache DB Project [Rick Hillegas / Shane] See Attachment F G. Apache Directory Project [Alex Karasulu / Justin] See Attachment G Jim: this project asked for a postponement until Aug 2009. H. Apache Geronimo Project [Kevan Miller / Shane] See Attachment H Brett: I assume the specs issues will be covered in JCP report too I. Apache Hadoop Project [Owen O'Malley / Jim] See Attachment I Regarding Hadoop Common: Greg wondered if Common could move over to Doug suggested that that was premature, and that much of the code may not be useful to non-Hadoop applications. Brett agreed that that would not make sense. Regarding developer meet up: Justin: only committers were invited, if somebody else had showed up, would they have been allowed? Doug: invitations were sent directly to committers. Jim: would others have been allowed? Doug: others did hear about it and did attend. I would appreciate clear guidelines. Roy: committers only is normal for a dev meeting Jim: I remember an issue with a "closed" meeting with Geronimo, and will dig up those minutes. You want to avoid any impression that it is by invitation only. Roy: there is no problem with contributors only, the problem is if you only invite a subset of the contributors Justin: the issue is that contributors may be a superset of committers Doug: I would be happy with a rule that it should be discussed on the dev list, and be invitation only, with all committers being included Jim: that makes sense Roy: suggests updating /dev with this information Jim: volunteers? Roy: will do J. Apache iBATIS Project [Clinton Begin / Geir] See Attachment J Geir to pursue a report for iBATIS K. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Brett] See Attachment K Jim: should there be some sort of "impact" for podlings that don't report time and time again? Roy: Note that Traffic Server is a Yahoo! trademark; a solution is hinted in proposal but needs review by Apache Legal. Brett: will take both back to Noel. L. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / Doug] See Attachment L M. Apache JAMES Project [Danny Angus / Brian] See Attachment M O. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Roy] Prepared but not submitted. Postponed until next month. O. Apache MINA Project [Julien Vermillard / Greg] See Attachment O P. Apache MyFaces Project [Matthias Wessendorf / Jim] See Attachment P Community: Greg: What does "vote was stopped" mean? Some kind of community problem? Jim: No community problem. See: Just discussion. JSR314: Brett: is the second JSR314 EG member representing Apache or themselves? Justin: Can Geir help out with JSR 314 issue? Geir: Second EG member is one representing us. It's the spec lead's discretion on this - in the past we've had multiple, and had multiple refused. I've been following the issue, and thought that Ed was just on vacation or such. Will check w/ MyFaces. Q. Apache ODE Project [Matthieu Riou / Brett] See Attachment Q R. Apache OpenEJB Project [David Blevins / Doug] See Attachment R Greg: imo, PMC membership votes should be private. it is *very* hard for a fellow committer to -1 somebody in public. thus, you do not get truly unfettered voting by doing so on the dev@ list. Justin: Well, I know many PMCs cast their votes in public. Does it merit a broader announcement/reminder? Doug: David is aware of the issue, and feels that in this case this process is a better fit for this project. Sam: I suggest a guideline, not a rule Brian: I prefer flexibility Shane: committer votes private be strong guideline, but not rule Jim: concern is the public minutes, I agree to guideline not a rule Doug: I'll work to get something on the dev site that is advisory S. Apache OpenJPA Project [Craig Russell / Greg] See Attachment S Greg: Geir: can you address the license issue in your JCP report? Jim, Shane: +1 for Geir to have something "on the record" Roy: that is probably just the PFD license (it is always limited) Geir: that is the draft license, but we've fixed it in the past (w/ JSF for example.) In this case, I did one more cage rattling and Sun has apologized and promised a fax of what I wanted signed by someone of sufficient paygrade to change the draft license in this case in a binding way. What could go wrong with a signed document? U. Apache Shale Project [Roy] The Shale PMC was concluded on May 20. U. Apache Sling Project [Felix Meschberger / Shane] See Attachment U V. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Daryl C. W. O'Shea / Geir] See Attachment V W. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / Justin] See Attachment W X. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / Brian] See Attachment X Brett noted the existence of Cascade which has an overlap of one committer with this project, but nobody saw that as an issue. Y. Apache Tcl Project [David N. Welton / Roy] See Attachment Y Z. Apache Web Services Project [Glen Daniels / Greg] See Attachment Z Brett reported that there seems to be reasonable consensus for Axis2 to become a TLP with some subset of projects. Many expressed support for the idea. AA. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cezar Andrei / Justin] See Attachment AA Committee reports approved as submitted by General Consent. 7. Special Orders A. Change the Apache Jakarta Chair WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Martin van den Bemt to the office of Vice President, Apache Jakarta, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Martin van den Bemt from the office of Vice President, Apache Jakarta, and WHEREAS, the members of the Apache Jakarta Project Management Committee have chosen by vote to recommend Rahul Akolkar as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Martin van den Bemt is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache Jakarta, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Rahul Akolkar be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Jakarta, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Jakarta Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present. B. Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve its purpose through the periodic update of its membership; and WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee is an Executive Committee whose membership must be approved by Board resolution; and WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee is in receipt of William Rowe Jr's resignation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF member be removed as a Legal Affairs Committee member: William Rowe Jr Special Order 7B, Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present. C. Change of Public Relations Committee Charter WHEREAS, the Public Relations Committee was chartered and responsible for organization and oversight of efforts to handle public relations on behalf of The Apache Software Foundation, including trademark licensing and other issues regarding management of the Apache brand and raising of funds, but excluding the ApacheCon conferences (which shall remain a responsibility of the Apache Conference Planning Committee); and WHEREAS, the Apache Conference Planning Committee would benefit from the oversight and expertise of Public Relations Committee in relation to the Apache brand, and coordination in the raising of funds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Public Relations Committee, an ASF Board Committee, hereby is rechartered pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the phrase, "excluding the ApacheCon conferences (which shall remain a responsibility of the Apache Conference Planning Committee)" is struck from the Public Relations Committee charter; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Public Relations Committee be and hereby is responsible for organization and oversight of efforts to handle public relations on behalf of The Apache Software Foundation, including trademark licensing and other issues regarding management of the Apache brand and raising of funds. Special Order 7C, Change of Public Relations Committee Charter, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present. 8. Discussion Items A. Who will be at OSCON next week? Will be there: Justin, Greg, Henri, Paul, Sander. Geir may show up. B. Any interest in 'board' retreat? +1's from Shane, Greg, Justin. Greg suggests US Roy offers his conference room in Newport Beach Jim suggested September Discussion will continue on board@ 9. Review Outstanding Action Items Jim expressed an interest in trying to restart this again. Sam will help. 10. Unfinished Business 11. New Business A. Change of HTTP Server PMC Chair WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Roy T. Fielding to the office of Vice President, Apache HTTP Server, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Roy T. Fielding from the office of Vice President, Apache HTTP Server, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache HTTP Server project has chosen by vote to recommend William Rowe Jr. as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Roy T. Fielding is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache HTTP Server, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that William Rowe Jr. be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache HTTP Server, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. New Business item 11A, Change of HTTP Server PMC Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present. 12. Announcements 13. Adjournment Adjourned at 11:06 a.m. (Pacific) ============ ATTACHMENTS: ============ ----------------------------------------- Attachment 1: Report from the VP of JCP Very slow month. Sun is in hibernation or brown dwarf or whatever happens to suns when they lose energy. The main outstanding issue is getting JPA spec license wording resolved. This is an issue that we've solved before, namely with the Oracle-led Java Server Faces spec. With that license, Sun worked with Oracle to change the wording to remove the usage limitations of implementations. Sun agrees with us in this case that the wording should be changed, but haven't yet been able to secure a written statement to that effect. I will keep trying various ways to get this in writing. Update 2009-07-15 : Sun has promised the necessary documentation by fax today. I'm eagerly awaiting the completion of the Sun acquisition by Oracle so we can get a final decision on the Java SE TCK license. Also, I spent a few minutes on the phone with an attorney working for SAP who was interested in our POV on the TCK licensing dispute. I've had no other inquiries regarding that. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee At the present time, I don't see any issues needing board attention. Exceedingly quiet month. There was a question about the autoconf license which was addressed by pointing to the resolved list. There was a discussion about the license of research papers posted on web sites, which didn't reach a conclusion. There were discussions about the Pope's position on Patents, and on the use of Apache 2.0 by University with patents (the latter was taken off-list). Jansi (non-ASF tool) is licensed under Apache License with optional dependency on LGPL, and this kicked off the predictable discussions. I continue to believe that such discussions will continue with people taking extreme positions until and unless such questions are grounded in a tangible request by a PMC (or podling), at which point I am confident that pragmatism will win. There were two legal internal discussions that did not result in any concrete actions being taken. I'd like to thank Bill Rowe for his positive contributions during his membership in the Legal Affairs Committee. He will be missed. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project For June 2009: There continues to be a steady stream of reports of various kinds arriving at These continue to be dealt with promptly by the security team. 2 Support question 7 Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report 2 Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache" 1 Vulnerability report of which 1 Vulnerability report [httpd, via] This month saw the publication of the Apache httpd "Slowloris" DoS tool which caused a larger number of public questions to the list (those questions and discussions were correctly redirected to the public dev list). Updated Tomcat and APR-util was also released to address a number of older security issues. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project (July 2009) General News ------------ * Noirin Shirley has assumed the chairwoman and V.P. post at the Conference Planning committee, as directed by the board June 17th. The traditional ConCom leadership reception was held for her on members list. ApacheCon US 2009 News (2-6 November) ------------------------------------- * Two meetings on the 10th and 13th gave track coordinators and mentors a chance to bounce ideas around for their programs and project activities at the event, and these ideas are being brought back to the planners for discussion and hopefully implementation. * Each PMC should have a completed schedule by 20th July, all are progressing with their program plans with some already completed. * The completed programming is being published over the coming week. * The next group of all-PMC communications will center around planning meetups or other evening activities, and around publicity and outreach of each project's presence and encouraging registration. * Planning to really kick off publicity at OSCON - majority of the schedule will be published on the site at that point. * Registration is now open - Committers must register before August 1st to get the best possible deal (a $100 savings)! * Speaker travel has been a contentious issue. There is presently a budget of $700 per track-day for travel, to be allocated on an as-needed basis. * All CFP session submitters were sent followup communications on the 9th, clarifying travel and programming by PMCs. Acceptance notification is progressing as each track is finalized. Final not-accepted notifications will be made the week of July 20th. * No update yet on BFBB activity. The present budget does not assign cost of this reception (also serving as the welcome reception) to the foundation, provided ApacheCon sponsorship and registration remain on target. ApacheMeetUp/BarCampApache Asia 2009 (Late Nov/Early Dec 2009) ---------------------------------------------------- * We are looking at dates around the week of November 30th-Dec. 4th. The current discussion includes Beijing and Colombo, with the possibility of an extra stop in Shanghai. * We are talking to some potential sponsors to see if we can help defray the cost of the event. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project OVERVIEW + GENERAL INFO Staffing: 1) Bertrand returned from leave, but decided to depart again; Also, Ted and Yoav have requested to leave and were removed from the PRC at last month's board meeting. 2) Sally will be part-time through September, - work anticipated to be completed as committed Discussion continued regarding engaging RedMonk at $5K/year; vote put out by Jim: 6x +1; 7x -1 -- +1 (Sally, Justin, Niclas/non-binding, Martijn/non-binding, Ross, Jim) -1 (Sanjiva, Lars, Santiago, Cliff, Phil/non-binding, Henri, Craig) Request received from Kathey Marsden to join PRC list to observe; followed up by Ross, along with discussion on suggested code awards + mentoring Hen raised the question on what does the PRC do, and answered it himself, along with his understanding of who manages the actual tasks: 1) Provide a general contact point for the ASF as a whole via press@, prc@ and human-response@ mailing lists; 2) Define trademark policy for users; 3) Contact third parties regarding trademark abuse; 4) Organizing booths at conferences; 5) Responsible for sponsorship; 6) Responsible for acquiring new sponsors; 7) Responsible for retaining sponsors; 8) Responsible for changing the thanks.html page on sponsorship change; 9) Responsible for report to the board; 10) Point for all press releases going out from the ASF; 11) Liaison for all joint press releases with sponsors; 12) Approver of press releases from non-sponsors GENERAL + COMMUNITY OUTREACH Emmanuel Lecharny forwarded a request from the upcoming Open World Forum (October/Paris): are we interested in participating? What's our message? What materials should we bring, etc. PRC feel that it's a worthy event, and would like to participate. ASF received offer to participate at the OSCON dot org pavilion. PRC decided that we should participate, and Sally worked with the OSCON team to secure the booth {T-23; next to the OFBiz guys}. Sally is working with Michael Wechner on getting first set of 5 ASF Filmworks videos online on the ASF's official YouTube channel for OSCON (20-24 July; status: still in editing cycle, should be complete in time); this will dovetail with the "My Apache" campaign, where we ask users, projects, etc. to post their videos on YouTube describing how Apache has changed their lives, as well as to record birthday wishes for the ASF, which we'll likely showcase during ApacheCon. Sally shortens the ASF boilerplate for use at OSCON (limit of 50 words); also scales to meet Jukka's request for boilerpate needed for release announcements: "About The Apache Software Foundation Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational, legal, and financial support for more than 100 freely-available, collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The pragmatic Apache License enables individual and commercial users to easily deploy Apache software; the Foundation's intellectual property framework limits the legal exposure of its 2,500+ contributors. For more information, visit" Niclas sends a detailed report on the Malaysian Open Source Conference 2009, and states: "All in all, this conference was 'better' than the ApacheCon's that I have attended, in terms of 'food', 'price/value', premises and attendance." Sally is exploring options for the Big Feather Birthday Bash at ApacheCon, and awaiting details from Danese re: possible "rave" concept. Sally discussed a possible press release with Felix Meschberger re: press announcement for Apache Sling as TLP; suggests using Qpid announcement as a model MEDIA AND ANALYST RELATIONS Sally and Justin worked with Yahoo!PR team regarding their Cloud computing press release for Apache Hadoop ; and accurately attributed by the press source-code/ however, there seems to be a persistent issue on the side of Cloudera regarding implication of Hadoop's "ownership". Larry states: "what Cloudera is doing is just rude and insensitive and inaccurate, not majorly illegal, so perhaps he (Cloudera CEO) can apologize to us by having his company become a big-time Apache sponsor? Will money make us happy?" Both Sally and Larry know Cloudera CEO Mike Olson and have offered to discuss the issue with him; Larry will follow up. A similar concern springs from this issue, where discussions on the use of the Hadoop name, specifically as "Hadoop Summit", where Larry stated internally that the two-word phrase, "Apache Hadoop", as an ASF trademark for certain software, and that the PRC should ensure there is a "TM" notice in the proper place and that we ensure that the press know to refer to our software with the adjective "Apache Hadoop". Sally gave a top-level overview of Hadoop to MIT Technology Review for their Cloud computing roundup; repeated attempts to purchase the article online have failed - if anyone has access to the 23 June edition and can scan the article, please let us know! Drafted and distributed "Registration Is Open" press release for ApacheCon Press Release - issued 30 June -2009/0005052657&EDATE= PRC discusses creating a new "In the Press" page at; need to fine-tune what constitutes "news" Hen forwarded a press opportunity with the Financial Times to discuss the ASF's position on Oracle/Java/Sun etc. PRC reiterates its decision from several weeks back that there is no official ASF statement on this topic, and is unable to pursue any such interaction. Craig reminds us that "there's nothing that Apache should say except 'very interesting...'." Sally spoke with Mark Thomas regarding a possible press release on the final Tomcat 4.1.x release; is awaiting follow-up from the Tomcat team Total media hits during June: 329 (includes mentions by affiliates/friends, as well as mailing lists) BRAND, TRADEMARK, AND LOGO USAGE Shane stated that we're starting to define our trademark policy to include a list of ASF trademarks (checked in), a procedures doc for PMCs to update their websites (trying to write from Larry's email today), and a task list for concretely forming official policy in terms of how we treat and defend our trademarks. One of the key items in trademark-plan.txt is figuring out what we think our trademarks are. Hen subsequently updated the trademarks page, and has "moved the following down because we are not the original releasers": ActiveMQ, Buildr, Cayenne, CouchDB, POI, iBatis, Lucene, MyFaces, Roller, ServiceMix, Tapestry, Tiles, and Wicket; he kept SpamAssassin in the top list as we've gained ownership of the trademark itself. In addition, the following have been moved to the Common words section: HTTP Server, HttpComponents, Portals, Web Services, and DB; ownership of the following needs to be determined: XML, XMLBeans, TCL, OpenEJB, and OpenJPA, as well as possibly HTTP. Outstanding issues involve questions regarding acronyms such as CXF, STDCXX, APR, ODE, etc. Larry discusses Tomcat and JSecurity trademarks with Ralph Goers. Hen states: "'Apache JSecurity' is a good name and benefits the Apache trademark 100%. Security is clear and J is somewhat clear as a common way to say 'Java'; 'Apache Tomcat' is a poor name because it says nothing about this software from the Apache people and the benefit to our brand is split between Apache and Tomcat." Larry stresses that we need to decide whether or not we want to treat "Tomcat" as our trademark, and weigh what that exactly would entail; "Apache Tomcat" is already a trademark of the ASF. Larry has also been discussing the history of other ASF marks, related trademarks, and adding "TM" symbols to select logos; and stresses that PRC needs to publish better guidelines. He is also concerned about the many versions of the Apache feather logo in existence, as it dilutes the strength of the brand; also, how does one know which brand marks which goods. Niclas sent over two revised SVG version of the ASF logo (with and without text) - based on the original created by Thien (?); these two were later improved upon by Upayavira. Lars forwarded a site that contains mirrors of various Open Source tools and system software, but also contains ASF Web pages appears to be a copy of the ASF Web site. Hen tracked down the domain owner, and discussions are underway to determine if there's a legitimate problem with the usage. Niclas forwarded a request from the founders of Qi4j (himself included), who want the Qi4j trademark to be as free as the source code is (Apache v.2.0); Larry recommends the discussion be moved to the legal-discuss list Jukka registered the ASF logo the icon (with TM) for at Mark Thomas noted that David Calavera has a new project which uses the Tomcat product name but does not follow the guidelines at; he forwarded them to that page but has not pursued the issue further. Niclas shared a conversation he had with the organizers of the government-backed Malaysian Open Source Conference, who were very interested in organizing an ApacheCon in Kuala Lumpur in 2010 or 2011. Of particular interest are training sessions. The discussion and related details are on the ConCom list. Luc Maisonobe informed us that he was requested by CNES (the French space agency) to give a presentation on commons-math as part of their public symposium dedicated to high performance computing. Craig confirmed that his use of the Apache name and logo, as well as his professional and ASF affiliations (he's a member of the commons-math PMC) are acceptable by the PRC. Larry requested the ASF name/logo get included at the list for the upcoming Community Leadership Summit ; Sally followed up with organizer Jono Bacon, who promised to add the ASF logo to the site the week of 29 June, but hasn't done so yet (followed up twice since then). SPONSORSHIP Who will manage Sponsor Relations (i.e., augment HALO contract vs. retain Delia Frees) is still undecided. Progress/IONA's payment for renewing for 2009 at the Silver level has not yet been received. Sally discussed this with Debbie Moynihan twice in June. HP's commitment for renewing for 2009 at the Silver level has the extra request for us extend them Gold Sponsorship status - a.k.a. "Vermeil/upgraded Silver" level in recognition of their ongoing contributions. No decision has been forwarded to Scott Lamons yet. Jim gave an excellent presentation on the ASF for HP's "Tux Talk" on 18 June. SpringSource has committed to renew for 2009 at the Silver level, and will advise regarding their billing cycle (2009 vs. 2010 FY/budget). Larry contacted Bob Sutor at IBM regarding a possible Sponsorship, and suggested Sally to follow up. He also suggested we create specific "Why IBM should sponsor Apache" talking points. PRC has decided that Emeritus Sponsors will not be listed on the Sponsorship page. Yahoo!'s and Microsoft's Platinum Sponsorships expire in August; Sally following up on this, along with the possibility of Justin and Sander meeting with all ASF Sponsors during OSCON. FUNDRAISING Phil has volunteered to lead the team in writing individual donor thank you letters, particularly those past due, to keep in compliance with IRS regulations. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team Justin Mason arranged for a free license to the Spamhaus DNSBL service. Tony Stevenson and Chris Rhodes began testing phase 2 of LDAP service on harmonia (svn mirror). We lost another drive in aurora (.eu website mirror). Sander Striker is investigating a pair of replacement drives. Gavin McDonald was voted into the root@ club for his interest in FreeBSD maintenance. Purchased an r710 Dell box for VMWare hosting for ~$5K. Purchased RAM SCSI Card and additional drives from NewEgg for ~$1100. Mads Toftum upgraded aurora (.eu website mirror) to Solaris 10 5/09. Don Brown upgraded our Confluence installation to 2.10.3. Gavin McDonald is organizing the return of the four IBM x345s on loan. We continue to experience availability issues with eris (svn) due to zfs issues with FreeBSD. VMWare Workstation on odin was upgraded to 6.5. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee General News ============ Not much to report on this month. TAC are still discussing submission opening dates for applications and the timeline of events that follow it to ApacheCon. We started to look for a suitable US Travel Agent to use, that has not been settled yet. There is going to be an IRC meeting on Monday 13th July 20:00 UTC to discuss the run up to ApacheCon US and come up with a timeline and hopefully sort out who can do what. It is expected that we will start the advertising push this week with Applications opening around the end of July. Nick, Tony and Matt have offered to be the 3 judges again this time around with Ross in reserve, thanks Guys. Still no reply from SCP regarding our invoices from the last two ApacheCons. ----------------------------------------- Attachment A: Status report for the Apache ActiveMQ Project Community: * The ActiveMQ project has had another very busy but quiet quarter. * The development and user lists continue to stay vibrant. * New PMC members: Dejan Bosanac * New Committers: Colin MacNaughton, Bruce Snyder Development: * The first release of the Apache ActiveMQ .NET 1.1.0 project is underway. * ActiveMQ 5.3.x maintenance development continues expect a release soon. * Lots of impressive work being done sandbox area for a revolutionary version of the Broker may one day become ActiveMQ 6.0. Releases: * ActiveMQ-CPP 2.2.6 * ActiveMQ-CPP 3.0.0 * ActiveMQ-CPP 3.0.1 ----------------------------------------- Attachment B: Status report for the Apache APR Project The activity on the project in the last 3 months (Mar 9 2009 to Jun 18 2009) was as follows: APR trunk: 100 commits APR util trunk: 2 commits APR 1.4.x: 10 commits APR util 1.4.x: 15 commits APR 1.3.x: 14 commits APR util 1.3.x: 22 commits APR 0.9.x: 4 commits APR util 0.9.x: 8 commits APR iconv trunk: 0 commits APR iconv 0.9.x: 0 commits site: 8 commits Current stable release of APR is 1.3.5, released Jun 5 2009. Legacy release 0.9.18 occurred on the same day. Current stable release of APR util is 1.3.7, released Jun 5 2009. Legacy release 0.9.17 occurred on the same day. Current stable APR iconv release is 1.2.1, released Nov 15 2007. Several security issues have been fixed in the latest round of releases: CVE-2009-1955: apr-util billion laughs attack CVE-2009-1956: apr-util single NULL byte buffer overflow CVE-2009-0023: apr-util heap buffer underwrite On the development front, the trunk of apr-util has been folded into apr. From version 2.0 onward, these two will be one and the same library. ----------------------------------------- Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Attic Project Nothing to report this month. We don't know of any projects currently looking to move to the Attic. As things have quietened down, and we have a repeatable process for the next entry into the Attic, we'd like to move to quarterly reports. ----------------------------------------- Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project ----------------------------------------- Attachment E: Status report for the Apache CXF Project Releases: 2.0.11 was released 2.1.5 was released 2.2.1 was released 2.2.2 was released (First Apache licensed, JAX-RS compliant implementation) Distributed OSGi/Remote Services 1.0 released 2.2.3/2.1.6/2.0.12 releases are being prepared for the end of July. DOSGi 1.1 release is also being prepared. Community: With the release of 2.2.2, CXF is now JAX-RS compliant in addition to JAX-WS compliant. This is a major milestone for CXF and the community has responded to it well with many new users. The DOSGi 1.0 release has also attracted many new users as well as a bunch of blog postings and tweets and such. We have 3 GSoC students working on projects. In June, JBoss was able to achieve 100% passing of the JAX-WS/JWS/SAAJ/JAXR parts of the J2EE TCK with CXF as the JAX-WS implementation. Much work went into getting CXF to pass these tests, one result was Alessio Soldano being voted in as a committer. Due to the DOSGi and JAX-RS releases, June was a very busy month on the mailing lists. dev traffic was almost double the previous several months. users traffic was up by 50%. Committers/PMC: Alessio Soldano was added as a committer. ----------------------------------------- Attachment F: Status report for the Apache DB Project Over the past quarter, development in the DB projects continued steadily: 1) Derby produced a major feature release, 10.5.1. The community then proceeded to work on a follow-on maintenance release, 10.5.2, slated for delivery in August. 2) Java Data Objects produced an early access release, 2.3. 3) Ole Solberg was elected as a Derby committer. 4) Derby mentored four summer-of-code students. ----------------------------------------- Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Directory Project ----------------------------------------- Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project The Geronimo community is nearing the completion of a 2.2 Server release. There has also been a lot of progress towards an implementation of the OSGi Blueprint specification. The community is also starting to look at Java EE 6 and OSGi support. GENESIS Genesis 2.0 was released using the apache 6 maven pom. This release better aligns Geronimo projects (and any other projects using Genesis) with standard Apache Maven best practices and release procedures. SERVER Significant progress has been made towards a 2.2 server release. We've worked with the Jetty project to integrate Jetty 7, including jaspi support. SPECS Work has begun to implement some of the draft JavaEE 6 spec api jars. This has been complicated by the fact that some Specs are using outdated templates with restrictive licensing terms. Hopefully, this will be fixed soon. There are other issues, such as undocumented updates to jsr250 (annotations) for among other things the servlet 3.0 spec. SANDBOX An implementation of the OSGi Blueprint specification has been largely completed. With the intent of using the implementation within a future version of the Geronimo server. POLICY CHANGES The community discussed using the Apache Nexus installation for release and snapshot staging/deployment. The community decided to hold off on switching to this new process until after the Geronimo Server 2.1.4 release. As 2.1.4 was released, we have begun using Apache Nexus. COMMUNITY We received the JSR-196 (jaspi) tck from sun and have received one update based on a challenge we filed. ----------------------------------------- Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project Hadoop status report for April to July 2009. Hadoop is a set of related tools and frameworks for creating and managing distributed applications running on clusters of commodity computers. The Hadoop Summit '09 was held in Santa Clara on June 10 and was attended by more than 750 people. Registration for the event was $100. The morning was a general track and the afternoon had 3 tracks: developers, administration, and applications. Cloudera and Yahoo also offered two free Hadoop training sessions (basics and advanced) the following day that were filled very quickly. Two books were published about Hadoop: * Hadoop: The Definitive Guide by Tom White * Pro Hadoop by Jason Venner AVRO Avro is an inter-language serialization and RPC library that supports versioning of schemas and protocols for both compiled and interpreted languages. Releases: * coming soon release 1.0.0 with 52 jiras addressed from 12 contributors CHUKWA Chukwa is a distributed log collection framework that aggregates logs from across a cluster into a reasonable number of HDFS files. Releases: * release 0.1.2 on 14/May/2009 with 132 issues * currently voting on release 0.2.0 with 56 issues COMMON (was previously Core) Common is the shared libraries for HDFS and map/reduce. This quarter we split the Core subproject into Common, HDFS, and Map/Reduce. The old branches and releases are in Common, but for 0.21 in the three subprojects will release independently. Releases: * release 0.20.0 on 22/Apr/09 with 114 issues * currently voting on 0.19.2 with 42 issues Community: * 784 subscribers on common-dev * 1703 subscribers on common-user HBASE HBase is a distributed column-oriented database, build on top of Hadoop Common and HDFS. Releases: * release 0.19.2 on 09/May/09 - 17 issues addressed by this release * release 0.19.3 on 27/May/09 - 15 issues addressed by this release * release 0.20.0 (alpha) on 17/Jun/09 * coming soon release 0.20.9 with 338 out of 354 issues addressed New Committers: * Andrew Purtell (previously missed from the board report) * Nitay Joffe * Ryan Rawson * Jonathan Gray 3. Current state of community * 23 active comtributors (159 contributors since project inception) * 459 subscribers to hbase-user mailing list * 185 subscribers to hbase-dev mailing list HDFS HDFS is a distributed file system that support reliable replicated storage across the cluster using a single name space. A developer meet for Hadoop was held at the Yahoo Sunnyvale campus to discuss requirements for HDFS Appends. It was well represented by about 15 contributors from Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. Another developer meet was held at the Cloudera campus in Burlingame. This meet discussed, among others, a few short-term HDFS issues that need attention. Community: * 50 subscribers on hdfs-dev * 51 subscribers on hdfs-user HIVE Hive is a data warehouse written on top of Hadoop Core. It provides a SQL to query and manage data stored in hadoop in table and partitions. Releases: * release 0.3.0 on 29/Apr/09 with 52 issues * coming soon release 0.4.0 in the next month with 130 issues At present there are 248 open issues filed against Hive. Committers: * Yongqiang He Community: * 30 contributors (up from 21 in the last report) * 67 people have commented on Hive Jiras MAP/REDUCE Map/reduce is a distribute computation framework for easily writing applications that process large volumes of data. Community: * 51 subscribers to mapreduce-dev * 56 subscribers to mapreduce-user PIG Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure for evaluating these programs. Releases: * release 0.3.0 on 25/Jun/09 with 33 issues Community: * 144 subscribers on pig-dev * 269 subscribers on pig-user ZOOKEEPER ZooKeeper is a reliable coordination service for distributed applications. Releases: * release 3.2.0 on 8/Jul/09. A number of major new features are included, in particular; extending the client libraries to include common ZK use cases (recipes), namespace support, added python binding support, REST based API to the server, Perl binding support, numerous optimizations and bug fixes (122 JIRAs in this release). Community: * 83 subscribers on zookeeper-dev * 141 subscribers on zookeeper-user Feedback and community involvement has been slowly increasing, we frequently meet with users during Hadoop meetups and hold site visits. ----------------------------------------- Attachment J: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project ----------------------------------------- Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project The past month has gone well within the Incubator. Busy, but good. A number of new committers have been added to projects that were in need of them. Sanselan has moved to the Apache Commons project. VXQuery ( is starting Incubation. Traffic Server ( should be doing so soon, as well, and has attracted considerable interest from the HTTP Server Project. Extensive discussion amongst the Incubator PMC regarding Bluesky. There are definitely some concerns. Bill Stoddard had a face-to-face meeting with the team. With great respect to Bill, we are following his lead on Bluesky, as he is actively engaged. -------------------------- = Ace = Apache ACE is a software distribution framework that allows you to centrally manage and distribute software components, configuration data and other artifacts to target systems. ACE started incubation on April 24th 2009. There are currently no issues requiring board or Incubator PMC attention. Community * The Software Grant is on record now, so the initial codebase was imported and work has started (packages renamed, license headers in place). * Documentation has been migrated, entered into the official wiki, now all setup tasks are resolved. * Accepted patches and implemented feedback from both Toni Menzel and Angelo van der Sijpt. * Niclas Hedhman has stepped down as a mentor, and has notified the incubator PMC. Bertrand Delacretaz replied, suggesting we move on with the two remaining mentors, Bertrand and Carsten Ziegeler. See [1] and [2]. * Work has started on implementing a web based client UI for the project. [1] [2] Software * Software grant was faxed and is on record now. * Atlassian gave us access to their open source build server Bamboo, so we now have a continuous build system in place. Licensing and other issues: None at the moment. = Bluesky = BlueSky has been incubating since 01-12-2008. It is an e-learning solution designed to help solve the disparity in availability of qualified education between well-developed cities and poorer regions of China. During the past month, we've been still focusing on replacing FFmpeg and I forecast pretty progress in the next two months. A huge mistake, which we, shamefully, hadn't noticed all along, had been found out. It surely is acceptable to our group, but it violates the rules of Apache. We are planning to apply for more committers and accounts to correct this mistake. Next step: replacing FFmpeg = Chemistry = Apache Chemistry is an effort to provide a Java (and possibly others, like JavaScript) implementation of the upcoming CMIS specification. Chemistry entered incubation on April 30th, 2009. There are currently no issues requiring board or Incubator PMC attention. Community * David Caruana has been voted in as committer and member of the PPMC. Software * David Caruana offered contribution of Client Test Harness Licensing and other issues * None at the moment. Issues before graduation * Stabilize the general interest into a sustainable development community * Make sure that all licensing details conform with Apache policies * Create an Apache release of the Chemistry codebase = Empire-db = DID NOT REPORT = Imperius = Imperius has been incubating since November 2007. Imperius is a rule-based policy evaluation engine Web site: Code: Development and bug fixes continue on the code base. Community: Several key bugs were fixed, two new committers were added to the community. Size and diversity of the community has not been improving as expected. = JSPWiki = JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. During the past three months, the JSPWiki community has not increased significantly. The developer list now has 83 names, one more than the last time, and the user list is now 178 people strong, eleven more than three months ago. We are completing the checklist on the graduation, but things have slowed down due to developers taking time on personal issues - some get married, some get children, some just enjoy holidays. JSPWiki is still fully a volunteer project, which shows. The checklist is kept in JIRA, at Most of the checklist items are of practical nature rather than real showstoppers; there is some uncertainty as to when things can be called "done". The development of the 3.0 still continues in the SVN, albeit at a reduced speed due to the aforementioned issues. = Lucene.Net = DID NOT REPORT = Olio = Olio has been incubating since September 2008. Olio is a web 2.0 toolkit to help developers evaluate the suitability, functionality and performance of various web technologies by implementing a reasonably complex application in several different technologies. Olio voted a new committer, Amanda Waite. Olio made its first release, Olio-0.1. Being a complex piece of software with many third party dependencies and multiple languages, this was a major task. Olio is continuing to gain users and being used for diverse purposes. There are 28 subscribers to the user list and 26 subscribers to dev. There are over a hundred JIRA issues filed, and continuous activity toward closing them. The Java implementation for Olio has been checked into the repository, joining the Rails and PHP implementations. Graduation From Incubation: Diversity of committers is the primary issue with the project, with all of the active developers coming from three organizations. = RCF = DID NOT REPORT = Sanselan = Sanselan has graduated to a sub-project of Apache Commons. This will be the last report in the incubator. Active committers on the project have been voted committer status in Commons. The project infrastructure (mail lists, repository, and web site) are being migrated to Commons. = Shiro = Previously JSecurity/Ki. Apache Shiro is a powerful and flexible open-source application security framework that cleanly handles authentication, authorization, enterprise session management and cryptography. Apache Shiro has been incubating since June 2008. * Due to potential naming conflicts with the previously chosen name of 'Ki', the ASF community at large helped us change our name to 'Shiro'. This was a large collaborative effort that really showed the power of the Apache Way and resulted in a name with which a large majority of people were content. * Project infrastructure has been switched over to support this name change and all seems to be running well. We have yet to properly configure Hudson for continuous integration builds, but that should be done shortly. The new CWIKI space is available here: * The name change also affords us to start publishing incubator Maven snapshot builds which will help foster adoption to all Maven end-users (which there are many). * We're very happy to report that the the name change and community support resulting from it have allowed the development team to return focus to developing the framework and resolving issues rather than spending time on name-related administrative issues. The project team is not considering graduation at this point, as the code is not ready for an Apache release. Once IP clearance is complete, and Maven snapshots are working, we'll attempt our first incubator release. The status is being maintained at = Socialsite = DID NOT REPORT = Tashi = Tashi has been incubating since September 2008. The Tashi project aims to build a software infrastructure for cloud computing on massive internet-scale datasets (what we call Big Data). The idea is to build a cluster management system that enables the Big Data that are stored in a cluster/data center to be accessed, shared, manipulated, and computed on by remote users in a convenient, efficient, and safe manner. Development activities have included adding a locality and layout service, integrating metrics into ganglia for monitoring, more complicated network isolation support, and preliminary code for the purpose of communicating with Maui, a cluster scheduler. Additionally, the documentation has been enhanced on the project webpage. The project is still struggling to grow a substantial user community, but there are several active contributors. We are looking forward to the opportunity to present our work with PRS and Hadoop at SC'09 [1]. In addition, Tashi is deployed at Intel's OpenCirrus [2] site where it has more than 20 users. It is also being installed at CMU's OpenCirrus site. Items to be resolved before graduation: * Prepare and review a release candidate * Develop community diversity (currently Intel and CMU committers) [1] [2] = Thrift = IPMC reviews: Upayavira Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-language services development. It combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between a variety of programming languages. Thrift entered the Apache Incubator in May 2008. Recent Activity of Note: * Have created RC1 and RC2 for our 0.1 release, still waiting on votes to finalize RC2 * Next step after approval is to present to the Incubator PMC * Esteve Fernandez and Alexander Shigin both received passing votes for committership! * Progress made on non-blocking C++ server * New language support for compact protocol * Work started on an ActionScript generator * Java configuration/install process improved * Simplified compiler installation process via dependency removal * More in-depth comparative analysis of Thrift vs. similar serialization platforms Biggest next step for considering graduation is getting the release out successfully. Licensing issues all seem to be in good shape with no legal issues. = UIMA = UIMA is a component framework for the analysis of unstructured content such as text, audio and video. UIMA entered incubation on October 3, 2006. Some recent activity: * We're happy to report that Jukka Zitting has taken an interest in UIMA and is trying to egg us along towards graduation. * We're planning another release this summer, and are thus currently trying to get the code and build process in shape. * The CAS Editor was moved from the sandbox to our core Eclipse-based tooling. * A lot of activity hardening the Asynchronous Scaleout component, getting it ready for release as well. * A newly donated annotator component, the Configurable Feature Extractor, entered the sandbox * The Concept Mapper annotator component received a major update (also in the Sandbox) Items to complete before graduation: * We still need to attract more new committers with diverse affiliations. We have recently seen some activity in that direction and hope we're on a good way. = Wink = Apache Wink is an incubating project that enables development and consumption of REST style web services. The core server runtime is based on the JAX-RS (JSR 311) standard. The project also introduces a client runtime which can leverage certain components of the server-side runtime. Apache Wink will deliver component technology that can be easily integrated into a variety of environments. Wink has been incubating since May 2009. Notable activity in the Wink project: * Source base selected: Both IBM and HP contributed JAX-RS-based runtimes to the project. To get things rolling, one had to be selected as the basis of the trunk. After some discussion, the decision was to go with the HP runtime due to its maturity (runtime has been worked for at least 2 years) over the IBM code and the richness of features. * JAX-RS 1.0 compliance: There was work done to get the JAX-RS 1.0 TCK up and running with Wink. Thanks to Dan Kulp from CXF for reaching out and helping the team get that working. Michael Elman led an effort to get the necessary JIRAs opened and addressed. In short order, we became JAX-RS 1.0 compliant on the new source base. * 58 JIRAs opened in a little over a month's time. Some of the were related to the JAX-RS 1.0 work. Others have been related to issues surfaced as the test bucket that IBM contributed has been ported over along with issues for making sure the runtime is Apache branded. * Build automation was setup via Hudson with snapshot builds being updated in the maven repository. Things to resolve prior to graduating: * Need to create the first formal release after some JIRA issues are finished and some more ported tests are complete * Need to grow the user based community ----------------------------------------- Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project Jakarta status report for June to July 2009. Jakarta submitted a follow-up report to the Board last month. Therefore, this report covers the last month of activity in Jakarta. - New Chair - The Jakarta PMC has voted in a new Chair, Rahul Akolkar. The corresponding resolution has been submitted to the Board for consideration at the July meeting. - Releases - * JMeter 2.3.4 - June 21, 2009 - BCEL - Occasional post to the user list last month - otherwise quiet, in maintenance mode. - BSF - No activity to report since release reported last month (3.0 beta3). - Cactus - Few user list posts, one new JIRA issue. No dev activity last month. - ECS - No activity - maintenance mode. - JCS - Handful posts to the mailing lists, no development activity last month. - JMeter - JMeter user list is quite busy. Sebb continues to make many improvements. There have been a few new Bugzilla reports, most notable being a potential contribution in #47474. JMeter 2.3.4 was released on June 21st. - ORO - No activity - maintenance mode. - Regexp - No activity - maintenance mode. - Taglibs - Henri Yandell continues to make many improvements to the Taglibs build and the Standard and String Taglibs in particular. Potentially, the active parts in Taglibs may move to be part of Tomcat in the near future. Pasting part of Henri's recent email to the taglibs-dev list: The general idea is: * Move Standard, JSTL implementation, over to Tomcat. 1.0 would be deprecated. * Move RDC over to Tomcat. * Start a new taglib (my new favourite name is Extended; ie: Apache Extended Taglib to complement the Apache Standard Taglib) that is built from the undeprecated parts of Taglibs that find favour. Some might be refactored from Taglibs to EL functions. Think the Commons Lang of Taglibs. * Other taglibs to be retired within Jakarta and make their way over to the Apache Attic. Accordingly, the Extended Taglib has been created in the Taglibs sandbox. - Retired Projects - * Slide ----------------------------------------- Attachment M: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project Another steady quarter for James, There have been three releases this period: Apache jSPF version 0.9.7 Apache Crypto Mailets 1.0 Apache JSieve 0.3 And four changes to the pmc We've added Markus Wiederkeher And removed: Charles Bennet Jason Webb Peter Goldstein Who have been inactive and did not respond to email requests to confirm their status. There is no other significant news from the project. ----------------------------------------- Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Maven Project Prepared but not submitted. Postponed until next month. ----------------------------------------- Attachment O: Status report for the Apache MINA Project * General & Release Another MINA bug fix release was done (2.0.0-M6). The current goal is to produce an RC release, trying to squeeze all the remaining issues, while starting to produce a wish list for 3.0. Look like the MINA developers are actually quite busy on other subjects, so it's not moving very fast. FtpServer released 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 two bug fix releases. SSHD made its first release the 0.1.0 ! The project is still maturing and the APIs are not to be considered stable. Vysper is growing fast and discussions are conducted for moving it out of the sandbox. A vote is about to be started. * Community Two new committers : Michael Jakl (focused on Vysper) and Shawn Pearce (focused of SSHD) was voted in. Benrd Fondermann and Guillaume Nodet was added to the PMC. ----------------------------------------- Attachment P: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project = Summary = * Some community changes * New releases * Discussions = Community = * New committer: * Michael Concini * another vote just passed, invitation has been sent out * No new PMC members, * Some new contributors = Releases = * MyFaces (sub) projects with new releases since the last report: * MyFaces Core 1.2.7 * MyFaces Core 1.1.7 * MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.1.2 * MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.2.2 * MyFaces Tobago 1.0.21 * MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.9 = Discussions = * discussion to add a second MyFaces member to the JavaServer Faces Expert Group (JSR 314). No response from Ed Burns (spec lead) so far. * Longer vote was done to replace the used logging; Not the entire MyFaces community agrees to force all subproject to use the same logger tool. Vote was stopped; More to come... * SVN structure change for MyFaces CORE has been approved. The SVN change hasn't been done yet. The community also expressed interest in having a GIT mirror. * MyFaces 2.0 is still getting more attention. The new committers are active in this area; Contributions (mailing list / JIRA) are coming in from the wider community as well ----------------------------------------- Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache ODE Project There are no specific issue relevant to the board at the moment. Release We've released a new incremental version of our stable branch, ODE 1.3.2. Now only bug fixes should be committed there and we'll be concentrating more and more on stabilizing our 2.0 branch. Development Mostly incremental features on 2.0, both on a few remaining parts of BPEL that weren't supported and on useful extensions. Community We've voted in a new committer, Rafal Rusin, who had already been active for a while. He has been ramping up his contributions and we all felt he fully deserved the status of committer at this point. ----------------------------------------- Attachment R: Status report for the Apache OpenEJB Project OpenEJB 3.1.1 was released in June. The release contained a mix of improvements and fixes. Overall it was very well received and very anticipated as the last trunk release was in October 2008. More frequent dot releases are planned and a 3.1.2 will hopefully be not too far behind. Project participation in started up in April and has been fairly successful with about seven posts so far. Some effort has gone into creating a convenient way that blog posts can be staged for community review before being posted. The result has proven to be very easy and not cumbersome which directly contributes to the number of posts in the last two months or so. Two screencasts, the first of many hopefully, were also added and published through the blog. Jean-Louis Monteiro was voted in as a committer in June. The project is extremely happy to have him as a committer and very much enjoys his work and overall contributions in the community. Congratulations, Jean-Louis! Preparation has been underway to do a first release of the OpenEJB Eclipse Plugin. As part of the work in preparing the release files, discussion started at the beginning of the month on adding the release manager and majority contributor to the plugin, Jonathan Gallimore, to the project PMC for better oversight. The discussion was started on the dev list carefully and deliberately with so far very healthy and positive results. A vote for his addition to the PMC is now underway on the dev list, the first of hopefully many open PMC votes. A big compliment to the community to whose amazing openness, mutual respect, and overall friendliness makes this kind of thing possible. ----------------------------------------- Attachment S: Status report for the Apache OpenJPA Project Highlights OpenJPA continues to implement the latest JPA 2.0 JSR-317, which is in Proposed Final Draft status. The latest draft was issued 13-March-2009 and contains several very large changes that will keep the project busy for another few months. Additionally, the spec has continued to evolve after the publication of the PFD. OpenJPA still has a Field Of Use problem with the draft JPA 2.0 specification license. The license contains language restricting distribution of the early implementation of JSR-317. The way we read this is that OpenJPA will be unable to offer an early release of OpenJPA that supports JPA 2.0 until and unless 2.(iii) is amended to remove the clause "is made available for testing and evaluation purposes only". This issue was raised with Geir Magnusson, Apache VP, JCP on February 3, 2009, and is still unresolved. Community Donald Woods was offered, and he accepted, committer status on the project. Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of close to 500 messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 250 messages per month on the users alias. OpenJPA continues to experience a modest increase in email subscriptions and activity. There are over 150 subscribers to dev and over 225 to users. A vote is underway for a logo for OpenJPA, with 15 entries. Information here: A vote to change the maximum line length for source files resulted in allowing 120 character lines. We do bike sheds too. The community is working well together. Questions from the community are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed. Governance The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them committers, and committers PMC members. Releases none this quarter ----------------------------------------- Attachment T: intentionally blank ----------------------------------------- Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Sling Project Sling is an OSGI-based scriptable web framework that uses a Java Content Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content. Sling graduated as a TLP on June 17th, 2009. There are no issues which require board attention at the moment. Community * Sling graduated on June 17th, 2009. * Transition has completed smoothly. Thanks to Jukka and JoeS for their support. * Ian Boston was added as a committer. Software * Sling Commons MIME type support 2.1.0-incubator has been released as of May, 18th, 2009. * Mike Mueller with the help of community members has started reorganizing and greatly enhancing the documentation on the site. * Sling Parent POM 6 has been released as of July, 3rd, 2009. Licensing and other issues * none ----------------------------------------- Attachment V: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project - we added three new committers to the ASF and the project: Alex Broens, John Hardin and Henrik Krohns; congrats to them! - a push for a 3.3 release has begun, 3.3.0-alpha1 is out - the mailing lists have their usually flow of questions and answers, which is good - Karsten Braeckelmann (availid KB) volunteered to be a mailing list moderator, which is also good :) ----------------------------------------- Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Struts Project This last quarter has been slow in terms of releases, but development activity on Struts 2 has continued apace. We released Struts Master 5, a formal build artifact, but our expected Struts 2.1.7 release did not make it due to problems identified in the build. Two Struts 2 plugins, OSGi and OVal, were promoted out of our sandbox and into the main repo. There was no activity on Struts 1 this quarter. After some experimentation, Struts 2 has been shown to run on Google's App Engine. Thanks in part to some urging by the Struts community, IBM WebSphere is now available to developers, which will help with our testing and debugging. And git mirrors have been created at the ASF for Struts 1, Struts 2 and the Struts sandbox. During the quarter, we added Lukasz Lenart as a committer, but made no changes to the PMC. ----------------------------------------- Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project The Tapestry Project released Tapestry 5.1 on May 6. Tapestry 5.1 is a new stable release for the Tapestry 5 code base; this was a significant upgrade of Tapestry 5 in terms of functionality and performance. This was also a chance to demonstrate Tapestry's new commitment to backwards compatibility, with most users seeing a very easy upgrade from 5.0 to 5.1. Bug fixing has started for a forthcoming 5.2 release with some effort underway to ensure that Tapestry 5 can be deployed inside Google Application Engine. We are also considering a dot release for 5.1 to make it compatible for Google Application Engine. The newest committers, Thiago and Robert, are also the most active (after Howard). In addition, a new initiative to fill the documentation gap for Tapestry is underway. This has long been identified as the primary limitation of Tapestry: there is no good, comprehensive tutorial and cookbook for new users (free or otherwise), just detailed reference documentation. Howard is committed to working on documentation before switching gears to 5.2 coding. Tapestry 3 and Tapestry 4 are unofficially dead; there is limited support available on the mailing lists, but none of the committers have bandwidth for maintaining or evolving the code. ----------------------------------------- Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Tcl Project As always, not much activity to report. We voted to release a new version of Websh, which will probably happen "soon". We added a mod_tcl committer, who aims to pick up that project where it was left off. ----------------------------------------- Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project Notable Happenings / Summary Aside from a number of releases, the "big question" for the Web Services community has been deciding the eventual organization of the project. We have had some good discussion and started a wiki page to capture thoughts: Please check it out, and feel free to inject comments if appropriate. It was our hope to have reached a consensus by the July board meeting, but we aren't quite ready to declare victory. There is at least one proponent of leaving the project as-is, and then a couple of slightly different proposals for splitting it up with support from various chunks of the team. Discussion is ongoing. The last time we tried to do this, the chair tried to start a VOTE in order to focus opinions, but it ended up feeling too early for most people and we couldn't reach a solid decision. This time we're hoping to achieve true consensus among the group, and we haven't gotten there yet. Based on the increasing focus of the discussion, I would hope we can finish this up and have some resolutions (if appropriate) by September's board report. In the meanwhile technical work continues in all of our sub-communities, and we've had a number of releases and improvements. Code Releases [since the last report] * jUDDI 3.0.0 beta * Scout 1.0.0 * Axis2 1.5 * XmlSchema 1.4.5 * Wss4j 1.5.7 * Axis2/C 1.6.0 * Rampart/C 1.3.0 Subproject News No news below means nothing particularly notable for the board occurred this quarter. Apache Axis2 Apache Axis2 is the third generation Web service framework of the Apache Web service stack. A highly extensible message processing engine focused on SOAP messages, it includes plugins for services, transports, MessageReceivers, and Modules (message interceptors). Version 1.5 was released, but a few issues have arisen since then, as well as some major fixes like a connection starvation problem, so a 1.5.1 release is likely around the corner as well. We also need to do a real release of the transports now that they're factored into separate projects under commons. Kandula Apache Kandula is an implementation of Web Services Coordination, Atomic Transaction and Business Activity protocols. The project provides implementations for both Apache Axis (kandula-1 branch) and Apache Axis2 (kandula-2 branch) platforms. Apache Axis Apache Axis is a web services framework implementing the W3C SOAP standard. Apache Woden Woden is an open source Java implementation of the W3C WSDL 2.0 specification. JaxMe2 JaxMe 2 is an open source implementation of JAXB, the specification for Java/XML binding. Apache Scout Apache Scout is an implementation of the JSR 93 (JAXR), which is a java API to XML registries such as jUDDI. Scout released version 1.0. Scout implements the required (level 0) part of the specification, which means that is can talk to any UDDI-2.0 compliant Registry. Apache jUDDI jUDDI (pronounced "Judy") is an open source Java implementation of the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification for Web Services. jUDDI released version 3.0.0.beta, which implements the final two UDDI API implementations targeted for the 3.0.0 release; "Subscription" and "Custody transfer". Subscriptions allow the users to register for updates in the Registry. The registry sends out notifications by calling an endpoint defined at registration time. The generic UDDI client now supports InVM transport to allow jUDDI to run in embedded mode. Work on a UDDI console has started, the console implements a number of portlets using GWT. The juddi-portal-bundle pre-deploys the portlets to an Apache Pluto Portal. Apache Rampart Rampart provides the WS-Security and WS-SecureConversation support for Apache Axis2 using Apache WSS4J as the base. The configuration model uses the WS-Policy framework and supports WS-SecurityPolicy specification. The "Rahas" module in Rampart implements the WS-Trust specification with a security token service implementation and a client API to carry out token exchanges with the security token service. Apache Rampart/C Apache Rampart/C is the security module for Apache Axis2/C. It's an effort to implement WS-Security Specification 1.0. Rampart/C also comes with an XML-Crypto library known as OMXMLSecurity. In addition Apache Rampart/C configurations are based on security policy assertions as per WS-Security Policy specification 1.1 Apache Sandesha2 Sandesha2 is an implementation of WS-ReliableMessaging specifications for Apache Axis2. By using Sandesha2 you can add reliable messaging capability to the Web services you have hosted in Axis2. You can also use Sandesha2 with Axis2 client to interact with already hosted web services in a reliable manner. Apache Sandesha2/C Sandesha2/C is a C implementation of WS-ReliableMessaging specifications(both 1.0 and 1.1) for Apache Axis2/C projects. Sandesha2/C is inter operable with Axis2/Java implementation and .net implementations. Apache Savan Savan is a Publisher/Subscriber implementation for Apache Axis2. Apache Savan/C Savan/C is a Publisher/Subscriber implementation for Apache Axis2/C projects written in C Language. Apache Axis2/C Apache Axis2/C is an effort to implement Axis2 architecture in C. Apache Axis2/C can be used to provide and consume Web Services. Apache WSIF Apache Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) is a simple Java API for invoking Web services, no matter how or where the services are provided as long as it is described in WSDL. Apache WS-Commons Apache WS-Commons is a collection of projects that are primarily used as parts of various WS projects but useful even outside the WS space. WS-Commons houses Apache Axiom - the streaming XML object model, Apache XmlSchema - an object model to manipulate XML schema documents, Apache Neethi - the WS-Policy implementation and various other smaller projects such as tcpmon. Apache Muse Apache Muse is a Java implementation of WS-ResourceFramework, WS-Notification, and WS-DistributedManagement. It provides code generation tools and APIs that aid users in creating standards-compliant interfaces for manageable resources. Muse-based interfaces can be deployed in a J2EE or OSGi environment. Apache XML-RPC Apache XML-RPC is a Java implementation of XML-RPC, a popular protocol that uses XML over HTTP to implement remote procedure calls. ----------------------------------------- Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project (updated from June report that missed the deadline) This last quarter was a usual quarter for XMLBeans. There were commits with bugs fixes and a few new features, notably a patch for a new feature from a non committer contributor. Activity on the mailing lists continue at the same levels, there are always new users asking but also answering questions. Out of the ordinary, XMLBeans PMC is sponsoring the proposal of Apache VXQuery project for incubation. At this moment the proposal has met the requirements of the Incubator PMC. There were no new committers or PMC changes, and no new releases this quarter. There are no other matters requiring board's attention. ------------------------------------------------------ End of minutes for the July 15, 2009 board meeting.