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LDAP Authentication

Why LDAP Authentication?

Authenticating your users to VCL via LDAP allows you to use your enterprise managed accounts to log in to the VCL web site. Additionally, you can mirror certain user groups from your LDAP system into VCL so that you do not need to manage the user group memberships both in your enterprise system and in VCL.


First, you need an LDAP server with SSL enabled. You already have this if you have an Active Directory system set up. Next, you (probably) need to add an affiliation to VCL so that users logging in via the new LDAP connection will all be associated together. Finally, you need to modify the web code conf.php file to have information about how to connect to the LDAP server. You will also need to make sure your web server can trust the SSL certificate and access it through any firewalls.

Prerequisites for your LDAP server:

Prerequisites for your VCL web server:

Adding LDAP Authentication to the Web Code

Mirroring LDAP User Groups

This part is a little more complicated because it actually requires modifying some of the VCL code. Before modifying VCL, you first need to create user groups in your LDAP system and configure things so that a lookup of a user in your LDAP system will list the groups of which the user is a member. Doing these items is beyond the scope of this document.

In the vcl/.ht-inc/authmethods/ldapauth.php file, there is an example function at the end named updateEXAMPLE1Groups. In a previous step, you modified conf.php and changed EXAMPLE1 LDAP to something to match your location. NCSU LDAP was used as an example. We'll continue using that here.

You need to change the name of updateEXAMPLE1Groups to match your location. We'll change it to updateNCSUGroups for our example. Next, on the 2nd line of the function, change EXAMPLE1 LDAP to match your location (ex. NCSU LDAP). Next, you need to determine what attribute is used when looking up users in your LDAP system to reference user group memberships. For Active Directory, this is typically memberof. Now, if needed, change the two references in the function from memberof to the attribute used in your LDAP system. Finally, there are three example regular expressions in the for loop at the bottom of the function that match various example names of user groups. You'll need to modify these to match the OU structure of your LDAP system.

These are the three example rules in VCL 2.3:


The first one matches any groups under the CourseRolls OU. The second one specifically matches the Students_Enrolled group under the Students OU. The third one matches the Staff group under the IT OU. If you need help creating regular expressions to match your LDAP system, please feel free to ask on our user email list or via IRC.

Finally, you'll also need to modify the updateLDAPUser function in the same file. Toward the end of the function is a switch statement based on affiliation names. Change the EXAMPLE1 entry to the affiliation you created for your site. Then, change the name of the function called for that affiliation to your new name for the updateEXAMPLE1Groups function. Here is an example of that part of the function:

switch(getAffiliationName($affilid)) {
   case 'NCSU':
      //TODO possibly add to a default group

Here is an example function using NCSU instead of EXAMPLE1, and using an Active Directory LDAP system:

function updateNCSUGroups($user) {
   global $authMechs;
   $auth = $authMechs['NCSU LDAP'];
   $ds = ldap_connect("ldaps://{$auth['server']}/");
   if(! $ds)
      return 0;
   ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
   ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);

   $res = ldap_bind($ds, $auth['masterlogin'],
   if(! $res)
      return 0;

   $search = ldap_search($ds,
                         array('memberof'), 0, 10, 15);
   if(! $search)
      return 0;

   $data = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search);
   $newusergroups = array();
   if(! array_key_exists('memberof', $data[0]))
   for($i = 0; $i < $data[0]['memberof']['count']; $i++) {
      if(preg_match('/^CN=(.+),OU=VCLGroups,DC=ad,DC=ncsu,DC=edu/', $data[0]['memberof'][$i], $match))
         array_push($newusergroups, getUserGroupID($match[1], $user['affiliationid']));
   $newusergroups = array_unique($newusergroups);
   updateGroups($newusergroups, $user["id"]);

If you add other affiliations that need to be tied in with LDAP, you can copy this function and rename things in a similar fashion to match the new LDAP system.

Some things to be aware of with mirrored groups

There are a few things to be aware of when working with mirrored groups in VCL. A group isn't mirrored in to VCL until someone that is a member of the group logs in to VCL, or a user with the membership is looked up using the User Lookup page. So, what is generally suggest is to create an LDAP user that you make a member of all user groups. Then, when you need to get a new group in to VCL, you can force a lookup of that user on the User Lookup page.

The second gotcha is that VCL caches a user's LDAP information for up to 24 hours. So, if you log in to VCL, then add yourself to a group on your LDAP server, you will have to wait for up to 24 hours before VCL looks up your LDAP information again. Alternatively, you can force a lookup on the User Lookup page.

Debugging LDAP Configuration

If you run in to problems getting an LDAP configuration to work, you can download a LDAP Debug Script and save it as generic.php (remove .txt from the name) somewhere you can access it on you web server. There are 5 variables at the top of the script that need to be set according to your site's configuration. There is a comment in the file explaining what each variable needs to be set to. Once you get the script to show you search results, you should have a good idea what you need to set the variables to in conf.php.