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Upgrade From 2.2 to 2.3.1

This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2 to VCL 2.3.1. Please note it only applies for the upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3.1, this may or may not work for other versions.

The basic steps that will be performed

Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3.1

  1. follow instructions on VCL 2.3.1 Release page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
  2. extract VCL 2.3.1 code

    tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2
  3. Shutdown the httpd and vcld services

    service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
    service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
  4. We will create a backup of the vcl database. This will provide a restore point if necessary.

    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.1-upgrade.sql
  5. This step updates the mysql schema. Note: A new resource group is added in update-vcl.sql - all profiles. Access to manage the group is added to the VCL->admin node in the privilege tree if that node exists. If not, you will need to add it manually after starting httpd again. To add it manually, pick a node in the privilege tree, scroll to Resources, click Add Resource Group, select serverprofile/all profiles from the drop-down box, check available, administer, manageGroup, and manageMapping, and click Submit New Resource Group.

    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
    mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
  6. Grant CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES to mysql user The web code now requires access to create temporary tables in mysql. You need to grant the user your web code uses to access mysql the "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES" permission. Look at the secrets.php file in your web code for the user and hostname. For example, if your web code is installed at /var/www/html/vcl, your secrets.php file would be /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/secrets.php. Look for $vclhost and $vclusername. The secrets.php file might have something like:

    $vclhost = 'localhost';
    $vcluser = 'vcluser';
  7. Then, you need to issue the grant command to mysql. Using the values from above as examples, connect to mysql and then issue the grant command:

    GRANT CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON `vcl`.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost';
  8. Update the web code. This step we will move the 2.2 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.

    cd /var/www/html
    mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2_web
  9. Copy the new code in place

    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
    cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
  10. Copy your 2.2 config files

    cd ~/vcl_2.2_web/.ht-inc
    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
  11. Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user. Normally this is the apache user, if using a different user change below cmd accordingly.

    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
  12. Make changes to conf.php:

    1. A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations globally or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. Users with this permission are notified of new block allocation requests. Remove the following from conf.php.


    2. A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->User Lookup. Users with this permission can look up information about other users. Remove the following from conf.php


    3. Multilingualization has been added VCL. So, DEFAULTLOCALE has been added to conf.php to set the default locale. Add the following to conf.php, changing en_US if needed to match your locale. You can look in /var/www/html/vcl/locale to see which ones are available.

      define("DEFAULTLOCALE", "en_US");

    4. Users authenticated using Shibboleth without also having an LDAP server can now be added before they log in. Add the following to conf.php If you are using Shibboleth and would like to be able to add users to groups before the user has ever logged in to VCL, you can set this to 1. However, please note that if you typo the userid, there is no way to verify it, and the user will be added with the typoed userid.

      define("ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS", 0);

    5. LDAP related items have been simplified in the code using additional options in $authMechs. For any LDAP entries, add two options. "lookupuserbeforeauth" is used if you need VCL to look up the full DN of a user and use that when doing the bind that authenticates the user (if you don't know what this means, leave it set to 0). If you need to set it to 1, then you will need to set "lookupuserfield" to what LDAP attribute to use when looking up the user's DN (typically either 'cn', 'uid', or 'samaccountname'). In conf.php, Add the following to each LDAP array you have in the $authMech array.

      "lookupuserbeforeauth" => 0,
      "lookupuserfield" => '',

    6. The way the authentication functions toward the bottom of conf.php are initialized has been simplified. Make the following changes:

      • REMOVE

      • ADD

        $affilValFunc = array();
        $affilValFuncArgs = array();
        $addUserFunc = array();
        $addUserFuncArgs = array();
        $updateUserFunc = array();
        $updateUserFuncArgs = array();
        foreach($authMechs as $key => $item) {
             if($item['type'] == 'ldap') {
                $affilValFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = 'validateLDAPUser';
                $affilValFuncArgs[$item['affiliationid']] = $key;
                $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = 'addLDAPUser';
                $addUserFuncArgs[$item['affiliationid']] = $key;
                $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = 'updateLDAPUser';
                $updateUserFuncArgs[$item['affiliationid']] = $key;
            elseif($item['type'] == 'local') {
                $affilValFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
                $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
                $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');

  13. Restart httpd service

    service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
  14. Update management node code This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2 vcl code base and then copy the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.

    cd <your vcl MN code root path>
    ie. cd /usr/local/
    cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2_managementnode
  15. Copy in the 2.3.1 code base to /usr/local, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.

    /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
  16. Run install_perl_libs.pl to add any new perl library requirements:

  17. Restart vcld service

    service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
  18. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.

    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log