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VCL 2.1 goals

VCL 2.1 goals

  1. xCAT 2.x module
    • written and in testing stage
  2. Get rid of preferredimage from image table, use nextimage instead
  3. Clean up data base - removed unused variables
  4. Shibboleth support
    • testing stage
  5. Web server load balance
  6. healthcheck.pl - improve / bring up to date, add support for vms,  try to reinstall nodes if necessary.
  7. Clean up / re-write blockrequest module, planning to use api calls to web site.
  8. Modularize OS code
  9. Polish cluster reservation process
  10. Allow dynamic change of predictive load module - currently have to restart vcld after change in database.
    • Done - committed to repos
  11. Pull out check_ssh dep - binary from nagios
    • Done - committed to repos
  12. Additional management node configuration web tools.
  13. image retrieval between management nodes - allow for defined ssh ports. Store which port in db management node table
  14. Add check for existence of image libraries and take appropriate action, in case /install gets dropped for some reason.
  15. Vista OS support