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The Apache VCL community strives to be open and inviting. Our mission is to advance the adoption and development of Apache VCL around the world.

Getting Involved

One of the many benefits of Apache VCL being an open-source, community-driven project is that there are many ways to become involved and engaged.

Mailing Lists

The user@vcl.apache.org mailing list is for general questions, information, and topics related to Apache VCL. This is the list to use if you have a question about using, administering, or installing Apache VCL.

The dev@vcl.apache.org mailing list is for topics related to the development of the Apache VCL software.

The commits@vcl.apache.org mailing list allows you to stay up to date on Apache VCL development activity. By subscribing to this list, you will receive messages whenever a change is committed to the Apache VCL codebase or website.

IRC Channel

IRC #asfvcl on Freenode

How do I Join the Project

Projects at Apache operate under a meritocracy, meaning those that the developers notice participating to a high extent will be invited to join the project as a committer.

This is as much based on personality and ability to work with other developers and the community as it is with proven technical ability. Being unhelpful to other users, or obviously looking to become a committer for bragging rights and nothing else is frowned upon, as is asking to be made a committer without having contributed sufficiently to be invited.

Apache VCL has some basic guidelines on the steps to become eligible for consideration to become a Apache VCL committer.

Board Reports

All Apache projects must submit regular reports to the Apache Board.

Community Contributed Pages and Projects

Automated Installation of VCL
Replacing MySQL with Derby (outdated)