Apache Thrift Libraries

Source Tree

Each supported language needs the Apache Thrift Libraries and the generated code made by the Apache Thrift Compiler.

Some language specific documentation is for the Apache Thrift Libraries are generated from lib/${language}/README.md files:

Package manager information and references

Language Bindings Package Manager Direct link (URL) Control file in source tree Maintainer Remarks
(all) Docker https://hub.docker.com/_/thrift/ Dockerfile thrift compiler in /usr/local/bin/thrift
ActionScript Maven https://repository.apache.org/#nexus-search;quick~libthrift-as3 lib/as3/build.xml jking
C (glib) language has no package manager
C++ see THRIFT-4800
C# NuGet https://www.nuget.org/packages/ApacheThrift ApacheThrift.nuspec jfarrell, codesf, jking multi-framework nupkg for csharp and netcore
Cocoa deprecated on 0.12.0 - use swift
Common LISP no official ASF package available
D dub https://code.dlang.org/packages/apache-thrift dub.json jking
Dart Pub https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/thrift lib/dart/pubspec.yaml jking
.NET Standard NuGet https://www.nuget.org/packages/ApacheThrift ApacheThrift.nuspec jfarrell, codesf, jking multi-framework nupkg for csharp and netcore
Erlang Hex PM https://hex.pm/packages?search=thrift&sort=downloads no official ASF package available
Haskell Hackage https://hackage.haskell.org/package/thrift lib/hs/thrift.cabal jfarrell, clavoie, jking
Haxe Haxelib lib/haxe/haxelib.json jensg no package uploaded - see THRIFT-3036
Go no official ASF package available
Java Maven https://repository.apache.org/#nexus-search;quick~org.apache.thrift lib/java/gradle.properties jking
JavaScript Bower https://libraries.io/bower/thrift bower.json
Lua LuaRocks https://luarocks.org/modules/drauschenbach/thrift not official - stale at 0.10.0 - see THRIFT-4708
Node.js npm https://www.npmjs.com/package/thrift package.json jfarrell, wadey, jking
OCaml opam https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/thrift/ lib/ocaml/opam stale at 0.9.0 (community provided) - see THRIFT-4706
Perl CPAN https://metacpan.org/release/Thrift lib/perl/Makefile.PL jking
PHP Packagist https://packagist.org/packages/apache/thrift composer.json jfarrell, bufferoverflow, jking
Python pypi https://pypi.python.org/pypi/thrift lib/py/setup.py jfarrell stale at 0.11.0 - see THRIFT-4687
Ruby Ruby Gem https://rubygems.org/gems/thrift lib/rb/Gemfile jfarrell stale at 0.11.0 - see THRIFT-4707
Rust Cargo https://crates.io/crates/thrift lib/rs/cargo.toml all thrift committers
Smalltalk no official ASF package available
Swift no official ASF package available