Tamaya OSGI Support


Tamaya provides also support for integration with OSGI. Hereby several options are available how Tamaya can be used in an OSGI context:

  1. All Tamaya modules, its API and core library are actually valid OSGI bundles. So adding them into your OSGI modules and using Tamaya is basically directly supported. Nevertheless OSGI works rather differently from a class- and resource loading perspective. As long as you rely on Tamaya’s mechanisms for resource loading things should work out of the box. In the back Tamaya’s core module actually comes with implicit OSGI support, which is automatically activated, if Tamaya is running in an OSGI context. This support actually

    • Listens on deployed bundles and actively reads all resources configured as java.util.ServiceLoader services and registers them as OSGI services. Hereby integration is complete meaning you can also register Tamaya services as normal OSGI services, e.g. your own PropertySource instances.

    • Uses the OSGI bundle to resolve for resources, because accessing them from the classloader directly typically fails in an OSGI context.

  2. Adding Tamaya’s OSGI integration module replaces the existing OSGI ConfigAdmin service with an istance based on Tamaya. Hereby several aspects can be configured using system properties:

    • org.tamaya.integration.osgi.cm.ranking (int) allows to configure the OSGI service ranking used by the Tamaya BundleActivator to register Tamaya’s ConfigAdmin service. In OSGI higher ranking precede lower rankings. By default Tamaya’s OSGI extending service registration mechanism is reusing any annotated @Priority priority values as corresponsing rankings.

    • org.tamaya.integration.osgi.cm.override (boolean) allows to configure if Tamaya is overriding any existing values from the default ConfigAdmin instance, or only extending them. In other words this setting allows you to define, which configuration subsystem has precedence for evaluating the final values, either Tamaya based configuration (default) or the configuration mechanisms provided by default from your OSGI container (when this flag is set to false).

    • org.tamaya.integration.osgi.cm.inject allows you to deactivate injection of configuration values into your OSGI services (by default injection is enabled). In all cases accessing the OSGI ConfigAdmin service to read your configuration is working as usual. But Tamaya adds additional injection functionality, which allows to inject typed configuration as described by the Tamaya injection api.

It is also possible to combine things, e.g. when you only define a low ranking for Tamaya’s configuration service and the same time allow injection to be active, you will have Tamaya’s injection support based on your default OSGI configuration.


All module described are based on Java 7, so it will run on Java 7 and beyond. The modules are built against OSGI Compendium version 5.0.


To benefit from Tamaya in an OSGI context you must deploy at least the following modules to your OSGI runtime environment:

# API and core
# injection API. SE injection module and dependencies
# OSGI integration and dependencies


As an example, what is possible you can implement an OSGI service as a normal POJO and publish it as an OSGI service. Given that configuration can be injected very easily:

public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService{

    @ConfigDefault("A Tamaya default.")
    private String message;

    public String sayHello() {
        System.err.println("HELLO: " + message);
        return message;


By defauklt the OSGI pid or factory pid is mapped to a corresponding root section in Tamaya’s configuration. We are well aware that this might not always be the desired approach. Therefore there as an SPI service provided that allows to determine this mapping:

public interface OSGIConfigRootMapper {

    String getTamayaConfigRoot(String pid, String factoryPid);

Registering your own implementation as an OSGI service allows you to redefine the key mapping. By default a configuration mapping for pid/factoryPid==myBundle is mapped to [bundle:myBundle]. This mapping is used as a prefix when collecting the corresponding entries for the OSGI configuration.

Last updated 2016-07-13 23:26:00 +02:00

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Version: 0.3-incubating-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2016-07-13.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.