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Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 7.2 with google_checks.xml ruleset. rss feed


Files  Info  Warnings  Errors
12 0 567 0


Category Rule Violations Severity
blocks LeftCurly
  • maxLineLength: "100"
4  Warning
imports CustomImportOrder
  • sortImportsInGroupAlphabetically: "true"
  • specialImportsRegExp: ""
79  Warning
indentation Indentation
  • throwsIndent: "4"
  • arrayInitIndent: "2"
  • caseIndent: "2"
  • basicOffset: "2"
  • braceAdjustment: "0"
  • lineWrappingIndentation: "4"
426  Warning
javadoc JavadocMethod
  • scope: "public"
  • allowMissingThrowsTags: "true"
  • allowThrowsTagsForSubclasses: "true"
  • allowMissingReturnTag: "true"
  • allowMissingParamTags: "true"
  • minLineCount: "2"
  • allowedAnnotations: "Override, Test"
3  Warning
JavadocParagraph 3  Warning
  • forbiddenSummaryFragments: "^@return the *|^This method returns |^A [{]@code [a-zA-Z0-9]+[}]( is a )"
35  Warning
sizes LineLength
  • max: "100"
  • ignorePattern: "^package.*|^import.*|a href|href|http://|https://|ftp://"
17  Warning



Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 11
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 12
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 13
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 14
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 15
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 16
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 17
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 18
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 19
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 20
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 21
 Warning indentation Indentation '}' have incorrect indentation level 0, expected level should be 4. 29
 Warning blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 1 should be on the previous line. 31
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 33
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 37
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 39
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 43
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 45
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 49
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 52
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 55
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 61
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 63
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 64
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 66
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 72
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 74
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 75
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 77
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 78
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 79
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 80
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 82
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 88
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 90
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 91
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 93
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 99
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 101
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 102
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 104
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 105
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 106
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 107
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 109
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 115
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 117
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 118
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 120
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 126
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 128
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 129
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 131
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 132
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 133
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 134
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 136
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 138
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 139
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 141
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 143
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 144
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 146
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 148
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 149
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 151
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 152
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 153
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 154
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 156
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 158
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 125). 158
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 159
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 161
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 163
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 164
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 165
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 166
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 167
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 168
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 169
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 170
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 184). 170
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 171
 Warning indentation Indentation 'enum def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 173
 Warning indentation Indentation 'enum def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 174
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 178
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 179
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 131). 179
 Warning indentation Indentation 'static initialization' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 181
 Warning indentation Indentation 'for' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 182
 Warning indentation Indentation 'for' child have incorrect indentation level 16, expected level should be 8. 183
 Warning indentation Indentation 'for rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 184
 Warning indentation Indentation 'static initialization rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 185
 Warning indentation Indentation 'ctor def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 187
 Warning indentation Indentation 'ctor def' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 188
 Warning indentation Indentation 'ctor def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 189
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 191
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 194
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 195
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 197
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 197
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 199
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 200
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 16, expected level should be 8. 201
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 202
 Warning indentation Indentation 'else' child have incorrect indentation level 16, expected level should be 8. 203
 Warning indentation Indentation 'else rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 204
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 205
 Warning indentation Indentation 'enum def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 207


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 8
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 9
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 10
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 11
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 12
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 13
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 14
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 15
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 16
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 17
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 18
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.streams.components.http.HttpConfiguration' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 19
 Warning indentation Indentation '}' have incorrect indentation level 0, expected level should be 4. 26
 Warning blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 1 should be on the previous line. 30
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 32
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 36
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 38
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 42
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 44
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 47
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 53
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 55
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 56
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 58
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 64
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 66
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 67
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 69
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 70
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 71
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 72
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 74
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 80
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 82
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 83
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 85
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 91
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 93
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 94
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 96
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 97
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 98
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 99
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 101
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 103
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 104
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 106
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 108
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 109
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 111
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 113
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 114
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 116
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 117
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 118
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 119
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 121
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 123
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 106). 123
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 124
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 126
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 128
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 129
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 130
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 131
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 132
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 133
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 134
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 135
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 149). 135
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 136
 Warning indentation Indentation 'enum def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 138
 Warning indentation Indentation 'enum def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 139
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 143
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 144
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 119). 144
 Warning indentation Indentation 'static initialization' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 146
 Warning indentation Indentation 'for' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 147
 Warning indentation Indentation 'for' child have incorrect indentation level 16, expected level should be 8. 148
 Warning indentation Indentation 'for rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 149
 Warning indentation Indentation 'static initialization rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 150
 Warning indentation Indentation 'ctor def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 152
 Warning indentation Indentation 'ctor def' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 153
 Warning indentation Indentation 'ctor def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 154
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 156
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 159
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 160
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 162
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 162
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 164
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 165
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 16, expected level should be 8. 166
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 167
 Warning indentation Indentation 'else' child have incorrect indentation level 16, expected level should be 8. 168
 Warning indentation Indentation 'else rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 169
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 170
 Warning indentation Indentation 'enum def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 172


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Wrong lexicographical order for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode' import. Should be before 'org.apache.streams.pojo.json.ActivityObject'. 24
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 101). 40


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 8
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 9
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 10
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 11
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 12
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 13
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 14
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 15
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 16
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 17
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 18
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.streams.components.http.HttpConfiguration' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 19
 Warning indentation Indentation '}' have incorrect indentation level 0, expected level should be 4. 26
 Warning blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 1 should be on the previous line. 30
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 32
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 36
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 38
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 42
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 44
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 47
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 53
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 55
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 56
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 58
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 64
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 66
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 67
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 69
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 70
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 71
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 72
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 74
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 80
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 82
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 83
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 85
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 91
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 93
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 94
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 96
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 97
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 98
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 99
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 101
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 103
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 104
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 106
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 108
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 109
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 111
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 113
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 114
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 116
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 117
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 118
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 119
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 121
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 123
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 106). 123
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 124
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 126
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 128
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 129
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 130
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 131
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 132
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 133
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 134
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 135
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 149). 135
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 136
 Warning indentation Indentation 'enum def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 138
 Warning indentation Indentation 'enum def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 139
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 143
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 144
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 127). 144
 Warning indentation Indentation 'static initialization' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 146
 Warning indentation Indentation 'for' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 147
 Warning indentation Indentation 'for' child have incorrect indentation level 16, expected level should be 8. 148
 Warning indentation Indentation 'for rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 149
 Warning indentation Indentation 'static initialization rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 150
 Warning indentation Indentation 'ctor def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 152
 Warning indentation Indentation 'ctor def' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 153
 Warning indentation Indentation 'ctor def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 154
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 156
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 159
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 160
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 162
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 162
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 164
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 165
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 16, expected level should be 8. 166
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 167
 Warning indentation Indentation 'else' child have incorrect indentation level 16, expected level should be 8. 168
 Warning indentation Indentation 'else rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 169
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 170
 Warning indentation Indentation 'enum def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 172


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 10
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 11
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 12
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 13
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 14
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 15
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 16
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 17
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 18
 Warning indentation Indentation '}' have incorrect indentation level 0, expected level should be 4. 25
 Warning blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 1 should be on the previous line. 29
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 31
 Warning javadoc JavadocParagraph Empty line should be followed by <p> tag on the next line. 32
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 36
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 39
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 42
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 45
 Warning javadoc JavadocParagraph Empty line should be followed by <p> tag on the next line. 46
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 52
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 54
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 55
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 57
 Warning javadoc JavadocParagraph Empty line should be followed by <p> tag on the next line. 58
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 64
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 66
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 67
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 69
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 70
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 71
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 72
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 74
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 79
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 81
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 82
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 84
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 89
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 91
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 92
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 94
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 95
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 96
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 97
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 99
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 101
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 102
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 104
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 106
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 107
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 109
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 111
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 112
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 114
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 115
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 116
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 117
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 119
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 121
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 108). 121
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 122
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 124
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 126
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 127
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 128
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 129
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 130
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 131
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 132
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 133
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 153). 133
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 134


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 7
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 8
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 9
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 10
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 11
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 12
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 13
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 19
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 22
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 24
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 25
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 27
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 29
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 30
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 32
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 34
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 35
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 37
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 38
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 39
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 40
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 42
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 44
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 45
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 47
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 49
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 50
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 51
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 52
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 53
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 54
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 55
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 56
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 101). 56
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 57


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 28


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 10
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 11
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 12
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 13
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 14
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 15
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 16
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 17
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 18
 Warning indentation Indentation '}' have incorrect indentation level 0, expected level should be 4. 25
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 28
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 31
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 34
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 37
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 40
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 43
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 48
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 50
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 51
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 53
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 58
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 60
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 61
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 63
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 64
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 65
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 66
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 68
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 73
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 75
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 76
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 78
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 83
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 85
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 86
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 88
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 89
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 90
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 91
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 93
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 95
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 96
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 98
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 100
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 101
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 103
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 105
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 106
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 108
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 109
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 110
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 111
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 113
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 115
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 108). 115
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 116
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 118
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 120
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 121
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 122
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 123
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 124
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 125
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 126
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 127
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 153). 127
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 128


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 7
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 8
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 9
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 10
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 11
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 12
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 13
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 19
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 22
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 24
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 25
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 27
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 29
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 30
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 32
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 34
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 35
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 37
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 38
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 39
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 40
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 42
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 44
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 45
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 47
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 49
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 50
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 51
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 52
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 53
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 54
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 55
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 56
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 101). 56
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 57


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 8
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 9
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 10
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 11
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 12
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 13
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 14
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 15
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. 16
 Warning indentation Indentation '}' have incorrect indentation level 0, expected level should be 4. 22
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 25
 Warning indentation Indentation 'member def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 28
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 31
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 36
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 38
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 39
 Warning javadoc SummaryJavadoc First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. 41
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 46
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 48
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 49
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 51
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 52
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 53
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 54
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 56
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 58
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 59
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 61
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 63
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 64
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 66
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 68
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 69
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 71
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 72
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 73
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 74
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 76
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 78
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 79
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def modifier' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 81
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 83
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 84
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 85
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 86
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if' child have incorrect indentation level 12, expected level should be 6. 87
 Warning indentation Indentation 'if rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 88
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 89
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 4. 90
 Warning sizes LineLength Line is longer than 100 characters (found 124). 90
 Warning indentation Indentation 'method def rcurly' have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. 91


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Wrong lexicographical order for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper' import. Should be before 'org.apache.streams.jackson.StreamsJacksonMapper'. 24
 Warning imports CustomImportOrder Wrong lexicographical order for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode' import. Should be before 'org.apache.streams.jackson.StreamsJacksonMapper'. 25