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Project Dependencies


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Classifier Type Licenses
ch.qos.logback logback-classic 1.1.7 - jar Eclipse Public License - v 1.0-GNU Lesser General Public License
ch.qos.logback logback-core 1.1.7 - jar Eclipse Public License - v 1.0-GNU Lesser General Public License
com.typesafe config 1.2.1 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.streams streams-config 0.4.1-incubating - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.streams streams-core 0.4.1-incubating - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.streams streams-persist-elasticsearch 0.4.1-incubating - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.streams streams-persist-mongo 0.4.1-incubating - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.streams streams-runtime-local 0.4.1-incubating - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.elasticsearch elasticsearch 2.3.5 tests test-jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.slf4j jcl-over-slf4j 1.7.21 - jar MIT License
org.slf4j jul-to-slf4j 1.7.21 - jar MIT License
org.slf4j log4j-over-slf4j 1.7.21 - jar Apache Software Licenses


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Classifier Type Licenses
org.apache.lucene lucene-codecs 5.5.0 - jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-test-framework 5.5.0 - jar Apache 2
org.apache.streams streams-persist-mongo 0.4.1-incubating tests test-jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.streams streams-schema-activitystreams 0.4.1-incubating tests test-jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.hamcrest hamcrest-all 1.3 - jar New BSD License
org.testng testng - jar http://www.apache .org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

Project Transitive Dependencies

The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
com.carrotsearch hppc 0.7.1 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting randomizedtesting-runner 2.3.2 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml aalto-xml 1.0.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml jackson-xml-databind 0.6.2 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-annotations 2.6.5 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-core 2.6.5 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-databind 2.6.5 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat jackson-dataformat-cbor 2.6.6 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat jackson-dataformat-smile 2.6.6 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat jackson-dataformat-xml 2.6.5 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat jackson-dataformat-yaml 2.6.5 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype jackson-datatype-joda 2.6.5 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype jackson-datatype-json-org 2.6.5 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.module jackson-module-jaxb-annotations 2.6.5 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.module jackson-module-paranamer 2.6.5 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.module jackson-module-scala_2.10 2.6.5 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 annotations 1.3.9 jar GNU Lesser Public License gson 2.2.4 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 javaparser 1.0.11 jar - guava 19.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.ning compress-lzf 1.0.2 jar Apache License 2.0
com.spatial4j spatial4j 0.5 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.sun.codemodel codemodel 2.6 jar CDDL v1.1 / GPL v2 dual license
com.sun.istack istack-commons-runtime 2.16 jar CDDL 1.1-GPL2 w/ CPE
com.sun.xml.bind jaxb-core 2.2.7 jar CDDL 1.1-GPL2 w/ CPE
com.sun.xml.bind jaxb-impl 2.2.7 jar CDDL 1.1-GPL2 w/ CPE
com.sun.xml.fastinfoset FastInfoset 1.2.12 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
com.tdunning t-digest 3.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.thoughtworks.paranamer paranamer 2.6 jar LICENSE.txt
com.twitter jsr166e 1.1.0 jar CC0 1.0 Universal
commons-beanutils commons-beanutils 1.9.2 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
commons-cli commons-cli 1.3.1 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-codec commons-codec 1.10 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-collections commons-collections 3.2.2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-digester commons-digester 1.8.1 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
commons-io commons-io 2.5 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-lang commons-lang 2.6 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
commons-validator commons-validator 1.5.1 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
io.netty netty 3.8.0.Final jar Apache License, Version 2.0
javax.validation validation-api 1.1.0.Final jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 jsr311-api 1.1.1 jar CDDL License
javax.xml.bind jaxb-api 2.2.7 jar CDDL 1.1-GPL2 w/ CPE
javax.xml.bind jsr173_api 1.0 jar -
joda-time joda-time 2.9.4 jar Apache 2 jaxb-utilities 1.3.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.commons commons-lang3 3.4 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.geronimo.bundles json 20090211_1 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.httpcomponents httpclient 4.5.2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.httpcomponents httpcomponents-core 4.4.5 pom Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.httpcomponents httpcore 4.4.4 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.lucene lucene-analyzers-common 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-backward-codecs 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-core 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-grouping 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-highlighter 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-join 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-memory 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-misc 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-queries 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-queryparser 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-sandbox 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-spatial 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-spatial3d 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.lucene lucene-suggest 5.5.0 jar Apache 2
org.apache.streams streams-monitoring 0.4.1-incubating jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.streams streams-pojo 0.4.1-incubating jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.streams streams-pojo-extensions 0.4.1-incubating jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.streams streams-schema-activitystreams 0.4.1-incubating jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.streams streams-util 0.4.1-incubating jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.codehaus.groovy groovy 2.4.3 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.codehaus.jackson jackson-core-asl 1.9.11 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.codehaus.jackson jackson-mapper-asl 1.9.11 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.codehaus.jackson jackson-xc 1.9.2 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0-GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version 2.1
org.codehaus.woodstox stax2-api 3.1.4 jar The BSD License
org.elasticsearch elasticsearch 2.3.5 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.elasticsearch securesm 1.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.hdrhistogram HdrHistogram 2.1.6 jar Public Domain, per Creative Commons CC0
org.javassist javassist 3.19.0-GA jar MPL 1.1-LGPL 2.1-Apache License 2.0
org.joda joda-convert 1.2 jar Apache 2
org.json json 20140107 jar The JSON License
org.jsonschema2pojo jsonschema2pojo-core 0.4.10 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.mongodb mongo-java-driver 3.3.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.reflections reflections 0.9.10 jar WTFPL-The New BSD License
org.scala-lang scala-library 2.10.6 jar BSD-like
org.scala-lang scala-reflect 2.10.6 jar BSD-like
org.slf4j slf4j-api 1.7.21 jar MIT License
org.yaml snakeyaml 1.15 jar LICENSE.txt


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
com.beust jcommander 1.48 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
junit junit 4.12 jar Eclipse Public License 1.0
org.apache.ant ant 1.9.7 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.ant ant-launcher 1.9.7 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.beanshell bsh 2.0b4 jar GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE

Project Dependency Graph

Dependency Tree


The New BSD License: Reflections

Apache License Version 2.0: SnakeYAML


Eclipse Public License 1.0: JUnit

Apache 2.0: testng

The BSD License: Stax2 API

MIT License: JCL 1.1.1 implemented over SLF4J, JUL to SLF4J bridge, SLF4J API Module

GPL2 w/ CPE: JAXB CORE, JAXB Reference Implementation, Java Architecture for XML Binding, istack common utility code runtime

New BSD License: Hamcrest All

Apache 2: Joda convert, Joda-Time, Lucene Common Analyzers, Lucene Core, Lucene Grouping, Lucene Highlighter, Lucene Join, Lucene Memory, Lucene Miscellaneous, Lucene Queries, Lucene QueryParsers, Lucene Sandbox, Lucene Spatial, Lucene Spatial 3D, Lucene Suggest, Lucene Test Framework, Lucene codecs

BSD: ParaNamer Core

Public Domain, per Creative Commons CC0: HdrHistogram

Unknown: javaparser, jsr173_api

Apache Software Licenses: Log4j Implemented Over SLF4J

Apache License 2.0: Compress-LZF, Javassist

Apache License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons CLI, Apache Commons Codec, Apache Commons Collections, Apache Commons IO, Apache Commons Lang, Apache Commons Validator, Apache HttpClient, Apache HttpComponents Core, Apache HttpCore, The Netty Project, config, fastinfoset, jsonschema2pojo-core, mongo-elasticsearch-sync, streams-config, streams-core, streams-monitoring, streams-persist-elasticsearch, streams-persist-mongo, streams-pojo, streams-pojo-extensions, streams-runtime-local, streams-schema-activitystreams, streams-util

CDDL v1.1 / GPL v2 dual license: Codemodel Core

MPL 1.1: Javassist

GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version 2.1: Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson

CDDL 1.1: JAXB CORE, JAXB Reference Implementation, Java Architecture for XML Binding, istack common utility code runtime

The JSON License: JSON in Java

GNU Lesser General Public License: Logback Classic Module, Logback Core Module

GNU Lesser Public License: FindBugs-Annotations

WTFPL: Reflections

CDDL License: jsr311-api

CC0 1.0 Universal: JSR166e

BSD-like: Scala Compiler, Scala Library

LGPL 2.1: Javassist

The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Apache Ant Core, Apache Ant Launcher, Apache Commons BeanUtils, Apache Geronimo Bundles: json-20090211, Bean Validation API, Commons Digester, Commons Lang, Data Mapper for Jackson, Elasticsearch SecureSM, Elasticsearch: Core, Groovy, Gson, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, HPPC Collections, JAXB Utilities, JCommander, Jackson, Jackson-XML-databind, Jackson-annotations, Jackson-core, Jackson-dataformat-CBOR, Jackson-dataformat-Smile, Jackson-dataformat-XML, Jackson-dataformat-YAML, Jackson-datatype-Joda,, Jackson-module-JAXB-annotations, Jackson-module-paranamer, MongoDB Java Driver, RandomizedTesting Randomized Runner, Spatial4J, T-Digest, Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson, aalto-xml, jackson-databind, jackson-module-scala

Eclipse Public License - v 1.0: Logback Classic Module, Logback Core Module

Dependency File Details

Filename Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
logback-classic-1.1.7.jar 304.1 kB 231 175 26 1.6 Yes
logback-core-1.1.7.jar 470.8 kB 418 372 36 1.6 Yes
jcommander-1.48.jar 63.5 kB 67 53 5 1.5 Yes
hppc-0.7.1.jar 1.1 MB 915 901 5 1.7 Yes
randomizedtesting-runner-2.3.2.jar 237.9 kB 197 183 5 1.7 Yes
aalto-xml-1.0.0.jar 355.5 kB 139 114 11 1.6 Yes
jackson-xml-databind-0.6.2.jar 55 kB 44 28 6 1.6 Yes
jackson-annotations-2.6.5.jar 47 kB 70 58 1 1.6 Yes
jackson-core-2.6.5.jar 258.9 kB 116 93 9 1.6 Yes
jackson-databind-2.6.5.jar 1.2 MB 598 564 20 1.6 Yes
jackson-dataformat-cbor-2.6.6.jar 48.5 kB 25 10 1 1.6 Yes
jackson-dataformat-smile-2.6.6.jar 76 kB 34 17 2 1.6 Yes
jackson-dataformat-xml-2.6.5.jar 93.8 kB 68 46 6 1.6 Yes
jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.6.5.jar 320.4 kB 253 210 20 1.6 Yes
jackson-datatype-joda-2.6.5.jar 64.3 kB 60 41 5 1.6 Yes
jackson-datatype-json-org-2.6.5.jar 16.6 kB 24 9 1 1.6 Yes
jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.6.5.jar 32.6 kB 30 12 3 1.6 Yes
jackson-module-paranamer-2.6.5.jar 41.3 kB 41 24 2 1.6 Yes
jackson-module-scala_2.10-2.6.5.jar 509.8 kB 420 403 7 1.6 Yes
annotations-1.3.9.jar 14.6 kB 36 26 2 1.5 Yes
gson-2.2.4.jar 190.4 kB 163 153 6 1.5 Yes
javaparser-1.0.11.jar 289.6 kB 144 128 8 1.6 Yes
guava-19.0.jar 2.3 MB 1746 1717 17 1.6 Yes
compress-lzf-1.0.2.jar 79.7 kB 59 42 6 1.6 Yes
spatial4j-0.5.jar 148.6 kB 97 78 10 1.7 Yes
codemodel-2.6.jar 152.4 kB 140 127 4 1.5 Yes
istack-commons-runtime-2.16.jar 23.2 kB 32 20 3 1.6 Yes
jaxb-core-2.2.7.jar 221.7 kB 229 170 23 1.6 Yes
jaxb-impl-2.2.7.jar 920 kB 646 529 19 1.6 Yes
FastInfoset-1.2.12.jar 293.9 kB 182 148 17 1.5 Yes
t-digest-3.0.jar 49.8 kB 31 20 1 1.6 Yes
paranamer-2.6.jar 32.8 kB 30 20 1 1.5 Yes
jsr166e-1.1.0.jar 62.2 kB 37 27 1 1.6 Yes
config-1.2.1.jar 219.6 kB 140 135 2 1.6 Yes
commons-beanutils-1.9.2.jar 233.9 kB 154 137 5 1.5 Yes
commons-cli-1.3.1.jar 53 kB 39 26 1 1.5 Yes
commons-codec-1.10.jar 284.2 kB 238 92 6 1.6 Yes
commons-collections-3.2.2.jar 588.3 kB 484 460 12 1.3 Yes
commons-digester-1.8.1.jar 146.1 kB 119 100 6 1.2 Yes
commons-io-2.5.jar 208.7 kB 142 123 7 1.6 Yes
commons-lang-2.6.jar 284.2 kB 155 133 10 1.3 Yes
commons-validator-1.5.1.jar 179 kB 99 74 4 1.6 Yes
netty-3.8.0.Final.jar 1.2 MB 898 829 42 1.5 Yes
validation-api-1.1.0.Final.jar 63.8 kB 122 106 8 1.6 Yes
jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar 46.4 kB 67 55 3 1.5 Yes
jaxb-api-2.2.7.jar 100.1 kB 122 104 6 1.5 Yes
jsr173_api-1.0.jar 49.7 kB 42 40 5 1.2 Yes
joda-time-2.9.4.jar 629.5 kB 759 247 7 1.5 Yes
junit-4.12.jar 314.9 kB 323 286 30 1.5 Yes
jaxb-utilities-1.3.0.jar 31.5 kB 25 13 2 1.7 Yes
ant-1.9.7.jar 2 MB 1231 1150 61 1.5 Yes
ant-launcher-1.9.7.jar 18.4 kB 14 5 1 1.5 Yes
commons-lang3-3.4.jar 434.7 kB 248 224 12 1.6 Yes
json-20090211_1.jar 53.8 kB 31 19 1 1.6 Yes
httpclient-4.5.2.jar 736.7 kB 504 463 24 1.6 Yes
httpcomponents-core-4.4.5.pom 13 kB - - - - -
httpcore-4.4.4.jar 326.7 kB 284 254 17 1.6 Yes
lucene-analyzers-common-5.5.0.jar 1.6 MB 682 572 61 1.7 Yes
lucene-backward-codecs-5.5.0.jar 430.8 kB 252 230 11 1.7 Yes
lucene-codecs-5.5.0.jar 418.7 kB 224 206 6 1.7 Yes
lucene-core-5.5.0.jar 2.4 MB 1577 1546 21 1.7 Yes
lucene-grouping-5.5.0.jar 107.4 kB 75 64 3 1.7 Yes
lucene-highlighter-5.5.0.jar 144.8 kB 97 86 3 1.7 Yes
lucene-join-5.5.0.jar 136.2 kB 108 99 1 1.7 Yes
lucene-memory-5.5.0.jar 33.8 kB 21 12 1 1.7 Yes
lucene-misc-5.5.0.jar 172.5 kB 122 107 7 1.7 Yes
lucene-queries-5.5.0.jar 251.5 kB 206 193 6 1.7 Yes
lucene-queryparser-5.5.0.jar 402.6 kB 312 273 26 1.7 Yes
lucene-sandbox-5.5.0.jar 232.4 kB 149 130 7 1.7 Yes
lucene-spatial-5.5.0.jar 261.3 kB 177 157 12 1.7 Yes
lucene-spatial3d-5.5.0.jar 197.4 kB 113 102 2 1.7 Yes
lucene-suggest-5.5.0.jar 246.6 kB 150 132 7 1.7 Yes
lucene-test-framework-5.5.0.jar 6.5 MB 488 456 20 1.7 Yes
streams-config-0.4.1-incubating.jar 15.9 kB 19 4 1 1.8 Yes
streams-core-0.4.1-incubating.jar 20.2 kB 29 13 2 1.8 Yes
streams-monitoring-0.4.1-incubating.jar 40.9 kB 38 15 6 1.8 Yes
streams-persist-elasticsearch-0.4.1-incubating.jar 58.5 kB 35 21 2 1.8 Yes
streams-persist-mongo-0.4.1-incubating.jar 16.7 kB 16 4 1 1.8 Yes
streams-persist-mongo-0.4.1-incubating-tests.jar 103.8 kB - - - - -
streams-pojo-0.4.1-incubating.jar 258.2 kB 181 163 8 1.8 Yes
streams-pojo-extensions-0.4.1-incubating.jar 15 kB 20 2 2 1.8 Yes
streams-runtime-local-0.4.1-incubating.jar 59.3 kB 43 23 6 1.8 Yes
streams-schema-activitystreams-0.4.1-incubating.jar 67.4 kB 142 0 0 - No
streams-schema-activitystreams-0.4.1-incubating-tests.jar 34.6 kB - - - - -
streams-util-0.4.1-incubating.jar 36.4 kB 45 21 7 1.8 Yes
bsh-2.0b4.jar 281.7 kB 238 158 8 1.2 No
groovy-2.4.3.jar 4.5 MB 3263 3127 85 1.6 Yes
jackson-core-asl-1.9.11.jar 232.1 kB 137 121 8 1.5 Yes
jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.11.jar 780.4 kB 529 502 18 1.5 Yes
jackson-xc-1.9.2.jar 27.1 kB 19 9 1 1.5 Yes
stax2-api-3.1.4.jar 161.9 kB 144 124 11 1.5 Yes
elasticsearch-2.3.5.jar 9.4 MB 6449 5919 460 1.7 Yes
elasticsearch-2.3.5-tests.jar 680.7 kB - - - - -
securesm-1.0.jar 7 kB 13 4 1 1.7 Yes
hamcrest-all-1.3.jar 306.6 kB 249 204 23 1.5 Yes
HdrHistogram-2.1.6.jar 109.7 kB 67 58 1 1.6 Yes
javassist-3.19.0-GA.jar 749.5 kB 422 398 17 1.6 Yes
joda-convert-1.2.jar 38.5 kB 52 40 1 1.5 Yes
json-20140107.jar 65 kB 44 34 2 1.2 Yes
jsonschema2pojo-core-0.4.10.jar 84.7 kB 67 55 4 1.6 Yes
mongo-java-driver-3.3.0.jar 1.5 MB 1217 1171 40 1.6 Yes
reflections-0.9.10.jar 129.8 kB 110 96 6 1.5 Yes
scala-library-2.10.6.jar 7.1 MB 4963 4899 59 1.6 Yes
scala-reflect-2.10.6.jar 3.2 MB 2051 2037 10 1.6 Yes
jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.21.jar 16.4 kB 23 9 2 1.5 Yes
jul-to-slf4j-1.7.21.jar 4.6 kB 11 1 1 1.5 Yes
log4j-over-slf4j-1.7.21.jar 23.6 kB 43 30 4 1.5 Yes
slf4j-api-1.7.21.jar 41.1 kB 46 34 4 1.5 Yes
testng- 751 kB 551 536 23 1.7 Yes
snakeyaml-1.15.jar 269.3 kB 237 201 19 1.5 Yes
Total Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
110 63.2 MB 39828 35991 1598 1.8 104
compile: 99 compile: 52.4 MB compile: 36443 compile: 32937 compile: 1421 - compile: 96
test: 11 test: 10.9 MB test: 3385 test: 3054 test: 177 - test: 8