Apache Sqoop documentation




Sqoop ships as one binary package however it’s compound from two separate parts - client and server. You need to install server on single node in your cluster. This node will then serve as an entry point for all connecting Sqoop clients. Server acts as a mapreduce client and therefore Hadoop must be installed and configured on machine hosting Sqoop server. Clients can be installed on any arbitrary number of machines. Client is not acting as a mapreduce client and thus you do not need to install Hadoop on nodes that will act only as a Sqoop client.

Server installation

Copy Sqoop artifact on machine where you want to run Sqoop server. This machine must have installed and configured Hadoop. You don’t need to run any Hadoop related services there, however the machine must be able to act as an Hadoop client. You should be able to list a HDFS for example:

hadoop dfs -ls

Sqoop server supports multiple Hadoop versions. However as Hadoop major versions are not compatible with each other, Sqoop have multiple binary artefacts - one for each supported major version of Hadoop. You need to make sure that you’re using appropriated binary artifact for your specific Hadoop version. To install Sqoop server decompress appropriate distribution artifact in location at your convenience and change your working directory to this folder.

# Decompress Sqoop distribution tarball
tar -xvf sqoop-<version>-bin-hadoop<hadoop-version>.tar.gz

# Move decompressed content to any location
mv sqoop-<version>-bin-hadoop<hadoop version>.tar.gz /usr/lib/sqoop

# Change working directory
cd /usr/lib/sqoop

Installing Dependencies

Hadoop libraries must be available on node where you are planning to run Sqoop server with proper configuration for major services - NameNode and either JobTracker or ResourceManager depending whether you are running Hadoop 1 or 2. There is no need to run any Hadoop service on the same node as Sqoop server, just the libraries and configuration must be available.

Path to Hadoop libraries is stored in file catalina.properties inside directory server/conf. You need to change property called common.loader to contain all directories with your Hadoop libraries. The default expected locations are /usr/lib/hadoop and /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/. Please check out the comments in the file for further description how to configure different locations.

Lastly you might need to install JDBC drivers that are not bundled with Sqoop because of incompatible licenses. You can add any arbitrary Java jar file to Sqoop server by copying it into lib/ directory. You can create this directory if it do not exists already.

Configuring Server

Before starting server you should revise configuration to match your specific environment. Server configuration files are stored in server/config directory of distributed artifact along side with other configuration files of Tomcat.

File sqoop_bootstrap.properties specifies which configuration provider should be used for loading configuration for rest of Sqoop server. Default value PropertiesConfigurationProvider should be sufficient.

Second configuration file sqoop.properties contains remaining configuration properties that can affect Sqoop server. File is very well documented, so check if all configuration properties fits your environment. Default or very little tweaking should be sufficient most common cases.

Server Life Cycle

After installation and configuration you can start Sqoop server with following command:

./bin/sqoop.sh server start

Similarly you can stop server using following command:

./bin/sqoop.sh server stop

By default Sqoop server daemons use ports 12000 and 12001. You can set SQOOP_HTTP_PORT and SQOOP_ADMIN_PORT in configuration file server/bin/setenv.sh to use different ports.

Client installation

Client do not need extra installation and configuration steps. Just copy Sqoop distribution artifact on target machine and unzip it in desired location. You can start client with following command:

bin/sqoop.sh client

You can find more documentation to Sqoop client in Command Line Client section.
