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Method list

$(Resource... resources)

Create a new SlingQuery object, using passed resources as an initial collection. Example:

$(resource); // a simple SlingQuery collection containing one resource

.add(Resource... resources)

Add resources to the collection.

$(resource).children().add(resource); // collection contains resource and all its children


Transform SlingQuery collection into a lazy list.

$(resource).children("cq:Page").asList().get(0); // get the first child page
$(resource).children().asList().isEmpty(); // return true if the resource have no children


Get list of the children for each resource in the collection. Pass selector to filter children. Example:

$(resource).children("cq:Page"); // get all page children of the resource
$(resource).children().children(); // get all grand-children of the resource


For each resource in the collection, return the first element matching the selector testing the resource itself and traversing up its ancestors. Example:

$(resource).closest("cq:Page"); // find containing page, like PageManager#getContainingPage
// let's assume that someCqPageResource is a cq:Page
$(someCqPageResource).closest("cq:Page"); // return the same resource


Reduce resource collection to the one resource at the given 0-based index. Example:

$(resource0, resource1, resource2).eq(1); // return resource1
$(resource).children().eq(0); // return first child of the resource


Filter resource collection using given selector.

final Calendar someTimeAgo = Calendar.getInstance();
someTimeAgo.add(Calendar.HOUR, -5);

// get children pages modified in the last 5 hours
SlingQuery query = $(resource).children("cq:Page").filter(new Predicate<Resource>() {
    public boolean accepts(Resource resource) {
        return resource.adaptTo(Page.class).getLastModified().after(someTimeAgo);


For each resource in collection return all its descendants using selected strategy. Please notice that invoking this method on a resource being a root of a large subtree may and will cause performance problems.

$(resource).find("cq:Page"); // find all descendant pages


Filter resource collection to the first element. Equivalent to .eq(0) or .slice(0, 0).

$(resource).siblings().first(); // get the first sibling of the current resource


Pick such resources from the collection that have descendant matching the selector. Example:

$(...).children('cq:Page').has(foundation/components/richtext) // find children pages containing some richtext component

This method uses selected strategy to iterate over resource descendants.


Filter resource collection to the last element.

$(resource).siblings().last(); // get the last sibling of the current resource

.map(Class<T> clazz)

Transform the whole collection to a new Iterable<T> object, invoking adaptTo(clazz) method on each resource. If some resource can't be adapted to the class (eg. adaptTo() returns null), it will be skipped. Example:

for (Page page : $(resource).parents("cq:Page").map(Page.class)) {
    // display breadcrumbs


Return the next sibling for each resource in the collection and optionally filter it by a selector. If the selector is given, but the sibling doesn't match it, empty collection will be returned.

// let's assume that resource have 3 children: child1, child2 and child3
$(resource).children().first().next(); // return child2


Return all following siblings for each resource in the collection, optionally filtering them by a selector.

// let's assume that resource have 3 children: child1, child2 and child3
$(resource).children().first().nextAll(); // return child2 and child3


Return all following siblings for each resource in the collection up to, but not including, resource matched by a selector.

// let's assume that resource have 4 children: child1, child2, child3 and child4
// additionaly, child4 has property jcr:title=Page
$(resource).children().first().nextUntil("[jcr:title=Page]"); // return child2 and child3


Remove elements from the collection.

$(resource).children().not("cq:Page"); // remove all cq:Pages from the collection
$(resource).children().not(":first").not(":last"); // remove the first and the last element of the collection


Replace each element in the collection with its parent.

$(resource).find("cq:PageContent[jcr:title=My page]:first").parent(); // find the parent of the first `cq:PageContent` resource with given attribute in the subtree


For each element in the collection find all of its ancestors, optionally filtering them by a selector.

($resource).parents("cq:Page"); // create page breadcrumbs for the given resources


For each element in the collection find all of its ancestors until a resource matching the selector is found.

($currentResource).parentsUntil("cq:Page"); // find all ancestor components on the current page


Return the previous sibling for each resource in the collection and optionally filter it by a selector. If the selector is given, but the sibling doesn't match it, empty collection will be returned.

// let's assume that resource have 3 children: child1, child2 and child3
$(resource).children().last().prev(); // return child2


Return all preceding siblings for each resource in the collection, optionally filtering them by a selector.

// let's assume that resource have 3 children: child1, child2 and child3
$(resource).children().last().prevAll(); // return child1 and child2


Return all preceding siblings for each resource in the collection up to, but not including, resource matched by a selector.

// let's assume that resource have 4 children: child1, child2, child3 and child4
// additionally, child1 has property jcr:title=Page
$(resource).children().last().prevUntil("[jcr:title=Page]"); // return child2 and child3


Select new search strategy, which will be used in following find() and has() function invocations. There 3 options:

DFS and BFS iterate through descendants using appropriate algorithm. QUERY strategy tries to transform SlingQuery selector into a SQL2 query and invokes it. Because there are SlingQuery operations that can't be translated (eg. :has() modifier), the SQL2 query result is treated as a initial collection that needs further processing.


Return siblings for the given resources, optionally filtered by a selector.

$(resource).closest("cq:Page").siblings("cq:Page"); // return all sibling pages

.slice(from[, to])

Reduce the collection to a sub-collection specified by a given range. Both from and to are inclusive and 0-based indices. If the to parameter is not specified, the whole sub-collection starting with from will be returned.

// let's assume that resource have 4 children: child1, child2, child3 and child4
$(resource).children().slice(1, 2); // return child1 and child2
Rev. 1809599 by tomekr on Mon, 25 Sep 2017 10:28:26 +0000
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