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Sling Oak Restrictions


Oak introduced plugability of restrictions as described in Oak Restriction Management. The bundle sling-oak-restrictions provides additional restrictions that generally make sense for sling applications. Currently sling restrictions for exact resource type match and resource type match including all descendants are supplied.

Important: Using the sling restrictions (as well as standard oak restrictions) is not as performant as simple path based ACE entries without any restrictions. Permission setups should always mostly work with path based ACEs and only use ACEs with restrictions for special cases.

Restriction sling:resourceTypes

This restriction allows to match against a sling resource type of a node and works much like the oak standard restriction rep:ntNames. Only resources that have one of the supplied resource types are matched, child and parent resources with other resource types are not matched.

The following example allows myAuthorizable to write to all nodes that have either resource type myproj/comp1 or myproj/comp2:

- /content/myprj/mynode 
   - rep:policy (rep:ACL)
     - allow (rep:GrantACE)
       + principalName (String) = "myAuthorizable"
       + rep:privileges (Name[]) = "rep:write"
       - rep:restrictions (rep:Restrictions)
          + sling:resourceTypes (String[]) = [myproj/comp1,myproj/comp2]

Assuming the following structure

- /content/myprj 
   + sling:resourceType (String) = "myproj/siteroot"
   - mynode
     + sling:resourceType (String) = "myproj/comp1"
     - mysubnode 
       + sling:resourceType (String) = "myproj/comp3"

the rule from above will match /content/myprj/mynode and not /content/myprj (parent) nor /content/myprj/mynode/mysubnode (child).

Naturally (as with any oak restrictions), the rule is limited to its base path. In case the node /content/myprj/othernode is of resource type myproj/comp1, it will still not match.

Restriction sling:resourceTypesWithDescendants

This restriction matches against resource types in the same way as sling:resourceTypes, except that it will also match all descendants of a matched node.

The following example allows myAuthorizable to write to all nodes that have either resource type myproj/comp1 or myproj/comp2 or are a child of a node, that has one of these resource types:

- /content/myprj/mynode 
   - rep:policy (rep:ACL)
     - allow (rep:GrantACE)
       + principalName (String) = "myAuthorizable"
       + rep:privileges (Name[]) = "rep:write"
         - rep:restrictions (rep:Restrictions)
           + sling:resourceTypesWithDescendants (String[]) = [myproj/comp1,myproj/comp2]

Assuming the structure example as mentioned in sling:resourceTypes, the rule from above will match /content/myprj/mynode and /content/myprj/mynode/mysubnode (and any other subnodes of /content/myprj/mynode with arbitrary resource types), but not /content/myprj.

Advanced Path Matching

Both sling:resourceTypes and sling:resourceTypesWithDescendants support advanced path matching by using resourcetype@path. That way instead of checking the resource type of the current node, the resource type of node at the relative path is checked. For instance this is useful for the case where page content is stored in a jcr:content subnode of a hierarchy, the permission however is required to become effective on the parent node of jcr:content.

The following example allows myAuthorizable to write to all nodes that have a subnode jcr:content with resource type myproj/comp1 or myproj/comp2 including their descendants:

- /content/myprj/mynode 
   - rep:policy (rep:ACL)
     - allow (rep:GrantACE)
       + principalName (String) = "myAuthorizable"
       + rep:privileges (Name[]) = "rep:write"
       - rep:restrictions (rep:Restrictions)
          + sling:resourceTypesWithDescendants (String[]) = [myproj/comp1@jcr:content,myproj/comp2@jcr:content]

Assuming the following structure

- /content/myprj 
   - jcr:content 
      + sling:resourceType (String) = "myproj/siteroot"
   - mynode1
     - jcr:content 
        + sling:resourceType (String) = "myproj/comp1"
     - mysubnode1 
       - jcr:content 
          + sling:resourceType (String) = "myproj/comp3"
          - contentsubnode1 
            + sling:resourceType (String) = "myproj/comp4"
          - contentsubnode2
            + sling:resourceType (String) = "myproj/comp5"
     - mysubnode2 
       - jcr:content 
          + sling:resourceType (String) = "myproj/comp3"
   - mynode2
     - jcr:content 
        + sling:resourceType (String) = "myproj/comp7"

the rule from above will match

and not match

Rev. 1758949 by rombert on Fri, 2 Sep 2016 13:06:19 +0000
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