Apache Slider Release 0.70.1 (incubating)

March 2015

This release is built against Apache Hadoop 2.6.0, HBase 0.98.4 and Accumulo 1.6.1

Key changes

Incompatible Changes

Work in progress

This release contains some interim work in progress, work that is not completely functional.


This is intended to be a full two-way REST API offered by the Slider Application Master to clients. The draft design is available on the Slider web site.

The 0.70.1 release contains the foundational read-only view of this API. Look at the code in org.apache.slider.client.rest, in particular the API client, SliderApplicationApi, and RestClientFactory —which builds an instance of SliderApplicationApi bonded to an application located in the Zookeeper-based YARN registry.

It is impossible to offer a secure two-way REST API in Hadoop 2.6, due to how authentication and security is implemented in the YARN Resource Manager proxy. Therefore even though a two-way API is partially implemented in the slider code, it is explicitly read only. To enable it, set the property slider.dev.ws.insecure to true in the Slider Application Master. This can be done by setting it in the file $SLIDER_CONF_DIR/slider-server.xml.

warning : once set, anyone on the cluster can issue side-effecting operations against the cluster, such as the stop operation.

We hope ultimately to switch to this REST API as the sole communication mechanism between (any) client and a running Slider Application Master.

Other changes

The full list of completed issues is visible in the Apache JIRA