Apache Slider Release 0.60.0 (incubating)

November 2014

This release is built against Apache Hadoop 2.6.0, HBase 0.98.4 and Accumulo 1.6.1

Key changes

  • Developed against Apache Hadoop 2.6

  • Integration with Apache Hadooop YARN Service registry for dynamic lookup of URL and configurations

  • Application deployment on Kerberized Hadoop cluster

  • Application deployment on Hadoop on Windows

  • Failure handling such as AppMaster restart, container restart, node failure

  • Integration with Apache Hadoop YARN node labels

  • Log aggregation

  • Integration with Apache Ambari

  • Improved diagnostics support

Incompatible Changes

  • Apache Hadoop versions below 2.6 are not supported

Other changes

The full list of completed issues is visible in the Apache JIRA