Apache Slider App Packaging


SLIDER: A collection of tools and technologies to simplify the packaging, deployment and management of long-running applications on YARN.

  • Availability (always-on) - YARN works with the application to ensure recovery or restart of running application components.
  • Flexibility (dynamic scaling) - YARN provides the application with the facilities to allow for scale-up or scale-down
  • Resource Mgmt (optimization) - YARN handles allocation of cluster resources.


Apps on YARN

  • Application written to run directly on YARN
  • Packaging, deployment and lifecycle management are custom built for each application

Slider Apps

  • Applications deployed and managed on YARN using Slider
  • Use of slider minimizes custom code for deployment + lifecycle management
  • Requires apps to follow Slider guidelines and packaging ("Sliderize")


Refer to Creating a Slider package for Memcached for a quick over view of how to write a Slider app.

Packaging enhancements: Simplified Packaging describes a simplified version of packaging that Slider supports for applications that do not need full capability of a Slider application package. The work is available in the develop branch and is targeted for the next relase.

The entry points to use Slider are: