Apache Slider Cluster Specification


In this document, a full path to a value is represented as a path options/zookeeper.port ; an assigment as options/zookeeper.port=2181.

A wildcard indicates all entries matching a path: options/zookeeper.* or /roles/*/yarn.memory


The Slider cluster specification was implicitly defined in the file org.apache.slider.api.ClusterDescription. It had a number of roles

  1. Persistent representaton of cluster state
  2. Internal model of desired cluster state within the Application Master.
  3. Dynamic representation of current cluster state when the AM was queried, marshalled over the network as JSON.
  4. Description of updated state when reconfiguring a running cluster.

Initially the dynamic status included a complete history of all containers -this soon highlit some restrictions on the maximum size of a JSON-formatted string in Apache Hadoop's "classic" RPC: 32K, after which the string was silently truncated. Accordingly, this history was dropped.

Having moved to Protocol Buffers as the IPC wire format, with a web view alongside, this history could be reconsidered.

The initial design place most values into the root entry, and relied on Jaxon introspection to set and retrieve the values -it was a Java-first specification, with no external specificatin or regression tests.

As the number of entries in the root increased, the design switched to storing more attributes into specific sections under the root path:

  • info: read-only information about the cluster.
  • statistics: Numeric statistics about the cluster



Contains various string and integer values

"version": "1.0",
"name": "test_cluster_lifecycle",
"type": "hbase",
"state": 3,
"createTime": 1393512091276,
"updateTime": 1393512117286,
"originConfigurationPath": "hdfs://sandbox:8020/user/stevel/.slider/cluster/test_cluster_lifecycle/snapshot",
"generatedConfigurationPath": "hdfs://sandbox:8020/user/stevel/.slider/cluster/test_cluster_lifecycle/generated",
"dataPath": "hdfs://sandbox:8020/user/stevel/.slider/cluster/test_cluster_lifecycle/database",
  • version: version of the JSON file. Not currently used to validate version compatibility; at this point in time releases may not be able to read existing .json files.

  • name: cluster name

  • type: reference to the provider type -this triggers a Hadoop configuration property lookup to find the implementation classes.
  • state: an enumeration value of the cluster state.
    int STATE_SUBMITTED = 1;
    int STATE_CREATED = 2;
    int STATE_LIVE = 3;
    int STATE_STOPPED = 4;
    int STATE_DESTROYED = 5;

Only two states are persisted, "incomplete" and "created", though more are used internally. The incomplete state is used during cluster create/build, allowing an incomplete JSON file to be written -so minimising the window for race conditions on cluster construction.

  • createTime and updateTime: timestamps, informative only. The createTime value is duplicated in /info/createTimeMillis
  • originConfigurationPath, generatedConfigurationPath, dataPath paths used internally -if changed the cluster may not start.

Proposed: 1. Move all state bar name and cluster state into a section /slider-internal. 1. The cluster state is moved from an enum to a simple boolean, valid, set to true when the cluster JSON has been fully constructed.


Read-only list of information about the application. Generally this is intended to be used for debugging and testing.

Persisted values: static information about the file history

"info" : {
  "create.hadoop.deployed.info" : "(detached from release-2.3.0) @dfe46336fbc6a044bc124392ec06b85",
  "create.application.build.info" : "Slider Core-0.13.0-SNAPSHOT Built against commit# 1a94ee4aa1 on Java 1.7.0_45 by stevel",
  "create.hadoop.build.info" : "2.3.0",
  "create.time.millis" : "1393512091276",

Proposed: move persisted info K-V pairs to a section /diagnostics.

Dynamic values:

whether the AM supports service restart without killing all the containers hosting the role instances:

"slider.am.restart.supported" : "false",

timestamps of the cluster going live, and when the status query was made

"live.time" : "27 Feb 2014 14:41:56 GMT",
"live.time.millis" : "1393512116881",
"status.time" : "27 Feb 2014 14:42:08 GMT",
"status.time.millis" : "1393512128726",

yarn data provided to the AM

"yarn.vcores" : "32",
"yarn.memory" : "2048",

information about the application and hadoop versions in use. Here the application was built using Hadoop 2.3.0, but is running against the version of Hadoop built for HDP-2.

"status.application.build.info" : "Slider Core-0.13.0-SNAPSHOT Built against commit# 1a94ee4aa1 on Java 1.7.0_45 by stevel",
"status.hadoop.build.info" : "2.3.0",
"status.hadoop.deployed.info" : "bigwheel-m16-2.2.0 @704f1e463ebc4fb89353011407e965"

## instances

Information about the live containers in a cluster

 "instances": {
   "slider": [ "container_1393511571284_0002_01_000001" ],
   "master": [ "container_1393511571284_0002_01_000003" ],
   "worker": [ 

There's no information about location, nor is there any history about containers that are no longer part of the cluster (i.e. failed & released containers).

It could be possible to include a list of previous containers, though Slider would need to be selective about how many to store (or how much detail to retain) on those previous containers.

Perhaps the list could be allowed to grow without limit, but detail only preserved on the last 100. If more containers fail than that, there is likely to be a problem which the most recent containers will also display.


  1. Return to the full serialization of container state -but only for running containers.
  2. Have a list of failed containers, but only include last 8; make it a rolling buffer. This avoids a significantly failing role to overload the status document.

## statistics

Statistics on each role.

They can be divided into counters that only increase

"containers.start.completed": 0,
"containers.start.failed": 0,
"containers.failed": 0,
"containers.completed": 0,
"containers.requested": 0

and those that vary depending upon the current state

"containers.live": 0,
"containers.active.requests": 0,
"containers.desired": 0,
  • Propose: move these values out of statistics into some other section, as they are state, not statistics*

    "statistics": { "worker": { "containers.start.completed": 0, "containers.live": 2, "containers.start.failed": 0, "containers.active.requests": 0, "containers.failed": 0, "containers.completed": 0, "containers.desired": 2, "containers.requested": 0 }, "slider": { "containers.unknown.completed": 0, "containers.start.completed": 3, "containers.live": 1, "containers.start.failed": 0, "containers.failed": 0, "containers.completed": 0, "containers.surplus": 0 }, "master": { "containers.start.completed": 0, "containers.live": 1, "containers.start.failed": 0, "containers.active.requests": 0, "containers.failed": 0, "containers.completed": 0, "containers.desired": 1, "containers.requested": 0 } },

The /statistics/slider section is unusual in that it provides the aggregate statistics of the cluster -this is not obvious. A different name could be used -but again, there's a risk of clash with or confusion with a role.

Better to have a specific /statistics/cluster element, and to move the roles' statistics under /statistics/roles:

"statistics": {
  "cluster": {
    "containers.unknown.completed": 0,
    "containers.start.completed": 3,
    "containers.live": 1,
    "containers.start.failed": 0,
    "containers.failed": 0,
    "containers.completed": 0,
    "containers.surplus": 0

  "roles": {
    "worker": {
      "containers.start.completed": 0,
      "containers.live": 2,
      "containers.start.failed": 0,
      "containers.active.requests": 0,
      "containers.failed": 0,
      "containers.completed": 0,
      "containers.desired": 2,
      "containers.requested": 0
    "master": {
      "containers.start.completed": 0,
      "containers.live": 1,
      "containers.start.failed": 0,
      "containers.active.requests": 0,
      "containers.failed": 0,
      "containers.completed": 0,
      "containers.desired": 1,
      "containers.requested": 0

This approach allows extra statistics sections to be added (perhaps by providers), without any changes to the toplevel section.


A list of options used by Slider and its providers to build up the AM and the configurations of the deployed service components

"options": {
  "zookeeper.port": "2181",
  "site.hbase.master.startup.retainassign": "true",
  "slider.cluster.application.image.path": "hdfs://sandbox:8020/hbase.tar.gz",
  "site.fs.defaultFS": "hdfs://sandbox:8020",
  "slider.container.failure.threshold": "5",
  "site.fs.default.name": "hdfs://sandbox:8020",
  "slider.cluster.directory.permissions": "0770",
  "slider.am.monitoring.enabled": "false",
  "zookeeper.path": "/yarnapps_slider_stevel_test_cluster_lifecycle",
  "slider.tmp.dir": "hdfs://sandbox:8020/user/stevel/.slider/cluster/test_cluster_lifecycle/tmp/am",
  "slider.data.directory.permissions": "0770",
  "zookeeper.hosts": "sandbox",
  "slider.container.failure.shortlife": "60"

Some for these options have been created by slider itself ("slider.tmp.dir") for internal use -and are cluster specific. If/when the ability to use an existing json file as a template for a new cluster is added, having these options in the configuration will create problems

Proposed Changes

Move Slider internal state to /slider-internal

Move all slider "private" data to an internal section,/slider-internal including those in the toplevel directory and in /options

Allow /options and roles/*/ options entries to take the value "null".

This would be a definition that the value must be defined before the cluster can start. Provider templates could declare this.

Make client configuration retrieval hierarchical -and maybe move out of the


The current design assumes that it is a -site.xml file being served up. This does not work for alternate file formats generated by the Provider.

Role Options

The /roles/$ROLENAME/ clauses each provide options for a specific role.

This includes 1. role.instances: defines the number of instances of a role to create 1. env. environment variables for launching the container 1. yarn. properties to configure YARN requests. 1. jvm.heapsize: an option supported by some providers to fix the heap size of a component. 1. app.infoport: an option supported by some providers (e.g. HBase) to fix the port to which a role (master or worker) binds its web UI.

  "worker": {
    "yarn.memory": "768",
    "env.MALLOC_ARENA_MAX": "4",
    "role.instances": "0",
    "role.name": "worker",
    "jvm.heapsize": "512M",
    "yarn.vcores": "1",
    "app.infoport": "0"

In a live cluster, the role information also includes status information about the cluster.

  "master": {
    "yarn.memory": "1024",
    "env.MALLOC_ARENA_MAX": "4",
    "role.instances": "0",
    "role.requested.instances": "0",
    "role.name": "master",
    "role.failed.starting.instances": "0",
    "role.actual.instances": "0",
    "jvm.heapsize": "512M",
    "yarn.vcores": "1",
    "role.releasing.instances": "0",
    "role.failed.instances": "0",
    "app.infoport": "0"

The role slider represents the Slider Application Master itself.

  "slider": {
    "yarn.memory": "256",
    "env.MALLOC_ARENA_MAX": "4",
    "role.instances": "1",
    "role.name": "slider",
    "jvm.heapsize": "256M",
    "yarn.vcores": "1",


  1. move all dynamic role status to its own clauses.
  2. use a simple inheritance model from /options
  3. don't allow role entries to alter the cluster state.

Proposed: /clientProperties continues return Key-val pairs

The /clientProperties section will remain, with key-val pairs of type string, the expectation being this is where providers can insert specific single attributes for client applications.

These values can be converted to application-specific files on the client, in code -as done today in the Slider CLI-, or via template expansion (beyond the scope of this document.

Proposed: alongside /clientProperties comes /clientfiles

This section will list all files that an application instance can generate for clients, along with with a description.

"/clientfiles/hbase-site.xml": "site information for HBase"
"/clientfiles/log4.properties": "log4.property file"

A new CLI command would be added to retrieve a client file. 1. The specific file must be named. 1. If it is not present, an error must be raised. 1. If it is present, it is downloaded and output to the console/to a named destination file/directory --outfile <file> and --outdir <dir> 1. If the --list argument is provided, the list of available files is returned (e.g.)

hbase-site.xml: site information for HBase
log4.properties: log4.property file

No attempt to parse/process the body of the messages will be returned.

In a REST implementation of the client API, /clientconf would be a path to the list of options; each file a path underneath.

Client configuration file retrieval outside the status completely; the status just lists the possible values; a separate call returns them.

This will permit binary content to be retrieved, and avoid any marshalling problems and inefficiencies.

With this change, there will now be two ways to generate client configuration files

  • Client-side: as today
  • Server-side: via the provider

Client side is more extensible as it allows for arbitrary clients; server-side is restricted to those files which the application provider is capable of generating. The advantage of the server-side option is that for those files about which the provider is aware of, they will be visible through the REST and Web UIs, so trivially retrieved.

Stop intermixing role specification with role current state

Create a new section, rolestatus, which lists the current status of the roles: how many are running vs requested, how many are being released.

There's some overlap here with the /statistics field, so we should either merge them or clearly separate the two. Only the role.failed properties match entries in the statistics -perhaps they should be cut.

provider-specific status

Allow providers to publish information to the status, in their own section.

There already is support for providers updating the cluster status in Slider 12.1 and earlier, but it has flaws

A key one is that it is done sychronously on a getStatus() call; as providers may perform a live query of their status (example, the HBase provider looks up the Web UI ports published by HBase to zookeeper), there's overhead, and if the operation blocks (example: when HBase hasn't ever been deployed and the zookeeper path is empty), then the status call blocks.


  1. There is a specific /provider section
  2. There's no restriction on what JSON is permitted in this section.
  3. Providers may make their own updates to the application state to read and write this block -operations that are asynchronous to any status queries.