April 2014 Initial Registry Design for Apache Slider

This is the plan for the initial registry design.

  1. Use Apache Curator service discovery code.

  2. AMs to register as (user, name). Maybe "service type" if we add that as an option in the slider configs

  3. Lift "external view" term from Helix -concept that this is the public view, not internal.

  4. application/properties section to list app-wide values

  5. application/services section to list public service URLs; publish each as unique-ID-> (human name, URL, human text). code can resolve from UniqueID; UIs can use human data.

  6. String Template 2 templates for generation of output (rationale: library for Python Java, .NET)

  7. Java CLI to retrieve values from ZK and apply named template (local, hdfs). Include ability to restrict to list of named properties (pattern match).

  8. AM to serve up curator service (later -host in RM? elsewhere?)


  1. This initial design will hide the fact that Apache Curator is being used to discover services, by storing information in the payload, ServiceInstanceData rather than in (the minimal) curator service entries themselves. If we move to an alternate registry, provided we can use the same datatype -or map to it- changes should not be visible.

  2. The first implementation will not support watching for changes.

Initial templates

  • hadoop XML conf files

  • Java properties file

  • HTML listing of services

Example Curator Service Entry

This is the prototype's content


service CuratorServiceInstance{name='slider', id='stevel.test_registry_am', address='', port=62552, sslPort=null, payload=org.apache.slider.core.registry.info.ServiceInstanceData@4e9af21b, registrationTimeUTC=1397574073203, serviceType=DYNAMIC, uriSpec=org.apache.curator.x.discovery.UriSpec@ef8dacf0}

Slider payload.

  "internalView" : {
    "endpoints" : {
      "/agents" : {
        "value" : "http://stevel-8.local:62552/ws/v1/slider/agents",
        "protocol" : "http",
        "type" : "url",
        "description" : "Agent API"
    "settings" : { }

  "externalView" : {
    "endpoints" : {
      "/mgmt" : {
        "value" : "http://stevel-8.local:62552/ws/v1/slider/mgmt",
        "protocol" : "http",
        "type" : "url",
        "description" : "Management API"

      "slider/IPC" : {
        "value" : "stevel-8.local/",
        "protocol" : "org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Protobuf",
        "type" : "address",
        "description" : "Slider AM RPC"
      "registry" : {
        "value" : "http://stevel-8.local:62552/ws/registry",
        "protocol" : "http",
        "type" : "url",
        "description" : "Registry"
    "settings" : { }