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tensor_cpu-inl.hpp File Reference

implementation of CPU host code More...

#include <cstring>
#include "tensor_base.h"
#include "tensor_sse-inl.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  mshadow::MapExpCPUEngine< pass_check, Saver, dim, E, etype >
struct  mshadow::MapExpCPUEngine< false, SV, dim, E, etype >
struct  mshadow::MapExpCPUEngine< true, SV, dim, E, etype >


 namespace for mshadow


template<int dim>
void mshadow::AllocSpace (Tensor< cpu, dim > &obj, bool pad=MSHADOW_ALLOC_PAD)
 CPU/CPU: allocate space for CTensor, according to the shape in the obj this function is responsible to set the stride_ in each obj.shape. More...
template<typename Device , int dim>
Tensor< Device, dim > mshadow::NewTensor (const Shape< dim > &shape, real_t initv, bool pad=MSHADOW_ALLOC_PAD)
 CPU/GPU: short cut to allocate and initialize a Tensor. More...
template<int dim>
void mshadow::FreeSpace (Tensor< cpu, dim > &obj)
 CPU/GPU: free the space of tensor, will set obj.dptr to NULL. More...
template<int dim>
void mshadow::Copy (Tensor< cpu, dim > dst, const Tensor< cpu, dim > &src)
 copy data from one tensor to another, with same shape More...
template<typename Saver , typename E , int dim>
void mshadow::MapPlan (Tensor< cpu, dim > _dst, const expr::Plan< E > &plan)
template<typename Saver , int dim, typename E , int etype>
void mshadow::MapExp (Tensor< cpu, dim > dst, const expr::Exp< E, etype > &exp)
 CPU/GPU: map a expression to a tensor, this function calls MapPlan. More...
template<typename Saver , typename Reducer , typename E , int etype>
void mshadow::MapReduceKeepLowest (Tensor< cpu, 1 > dst, const expr::Exp< E, etype > &exp, real_t scale=1.0f)
 CPU/GPU: map a expression, do reduction to 1D Tensor in lowest dimension (dimension 0) More...
template<typename Saver , typename Reducer , int dimkeep, typename E , int etype>
void mshadow::MapReduceKeepHighDim (Tensor< cpu, 1 > dst, const expr::Exp< E, etype > &exp, real_t scale=1.0f)
 CPU/GPU: map a expression, do reduction to 1D Tensor in third dimension (dimension 2) More...
void mshadow::Softmax (Tensor< cpu, 1 > dst, const Tensor< cpu, 1 > &energy)
void mshadow::Softmax (Tensor< cpu, 2 > dst, const Tensor< cpu, 2 > &energy)
 CPU/GPU: normalize softmax: dst[i][j] = exp( energy[i][j] ) /( sum_j exp( energy[i][j] ) ) More...

Detailed Description

implementation of CPU host code

Bing Xu, Tianqi Chen