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singa::Updater Member List

This is the complete list of members for singa::Updater, including all inherited members.

Create(const UpdaterProto &proto) (defined in singa::Updater)singa::Updaterstatic
Init(const UpdaterProto &proto) (defined in singa::Updater)singa::Updatervirtual
lr_gen_ (defined in singa::Updater)singa::Updaterprotected
momentum_ (defined in singa::Updater)singa::Updaterprotected
proto_ (defined in singa::Updater)singa::Updaterprotected
Update(int step, Param *param, float grad_scale)=0 (defined in singa::Updater)singa::Updaterpure virtual
weight_decay_ (defined in singa::Updater)singa::Updaterprotected
~Updater() (defined in singa::Updater)singa::Updaterinlinevirtual