Continuous Integration

In order to find problems early, river uses Continuous Integration.

After changes the builds are scheduled on the Apache build server.

The following jobs are used:

Job Role
River-trunk-* Builds the trunk, and check for compilation errors only
River-QA-* Builds the trunk and run QA tests

For their current status, see:

River-trunk jobs

The River trunk build is only run on Ubuntu. The naming scheme is: River-trunk-[jdkid]

River-QA- jobs

The River QA jobs naming scheme used is: River-QA-[platformid]-[jdkid] optional [-branchid]

The River-trunk-QA-* jobs, build the river-runtime and the river-qa, and tests the river-runtime with the river-qa framework.

Platforms and Jdks

The current platforms are: Solaris, Ubuntu, Windows

The current jdk ids are: jdk6 jdk7

The ant version used is: version 1.7