
Meecrowave Core

Core component is the backbone of Meecrowave. It is based on Tomcat embedded for Servlet container, CXF for JAX-RS, OpenWebBeans for CDI and Log4j2 for the logging.

Meecrowave JPA

Meecrowave JPA provides a thin layer on top of JPA to make it easier to use JPA without requiring to use a full container like JavaEE or Spring. It is just a CDI extension.

Meecrowave Maven

Meecrowave provides a Maven plugin to run meecrowave with your preferred build tool.

Meecrowave Gradle

Meecrowave provides a Gradle plugin to run meecrowave with your preferred build tool.

Meecrowave and the Testing

Meecrowave provides two main testing integration: a JUnit one and an Arquillian Container.

Meecrowave and Monitoring

Meecrowave provides few integration for the monitoring:

Meecrowave and JTA

This is an experimental integration of geronimo-transaction and meecrowave.

Meecrowave and OAuth2

This is an experimental module integrating CXF OAuth2 server in Meecrowave through an embeddable dependency or a directly executable jar.

Meecrowave Let’s Encrypt

This is an experimental module integrating with Let’s Encrypt to provide you free and easy SSL support on your HTTPS connectors.

Going further

Meecrowave scope is not the full scope of microservices (whatever it means) or at least enterprise needs cause several Apache projects cover part of them in a very good way.

See Companion Projects for more information.