
Last Offical Release

Apache OpenNLP 1.7.2 is now available for download.

File Signatures
apache-opennlp-1.7.2-bin.tar.gz md5 sha1 asc md5 sha1 asc
apache-opennlp-1.7.2-src.tar.gz md5 sha1 asc md5 sha1 asc

Note: Please note that the tar.gz archive contain file names longer than 100 characters and has been created using GNU tar extensions. It must be untarred with a GNU compatible version of tar.

Verifying Signatures

The md5, sha1 and asc files are signature files and can be used to verify the integrity of the downloaded distribution package.

Use the following commands to verify the integrity:

It might be necessary to import the KEYS file to verify the integrity of the asc files.

That can easily be done with:

More information about release signing and verifying signatures can be found here.


The models over at SourceForge for 1.5.0 can be found here and are fully compatible with Apache OpenNLP 1.7.2.

The models can be used for testing or getting started, please train your own models for all other use cases.


Historical releases can be downloaded from the archived SourceForge project or the Apache archive.