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OpenJPA Eclipse Tooling

How to develop on and build the OpenJPA Eclipse Tooling


  1. get Eclipse with PDE
  2. check out the (not just the individual project directories, but really the trunk, so that you also have the pom.xml at the root...). If you use Subversive (or Subclipse) from within Eclipse to do the check-out, you'll have to remove the project from the workspace again after checkout, without delete on disk, so that you can import the individual projects in the next step.
  3. open the individual projects in Eclipse (org.apache.openjpa.eclipse.feature, org.apache.openjpa, org.apache.openjpa.eclipse, openjpa-eclipse-testproject, org.apache.openjpa.eclipse.tests, - requires correct .project and .classpath files currently missing from SVN

Headless Maven-based build (without requiring Eclipse IDE)

  1. download Maven 3.0 from Please note and make sure you do get & use Maven 3.0 (latest at the time of writing this Maven 3.0-alpha-6), and not just a Maven 2.2.1, which will NOT WORK.
  2. check-out the (not just the individual project directories, but really the trunk, so that you also have the pom.xml at the root...)
  3. do a "mvn install" at the root. This will be VERY SLOW at first invocation, as it downloads LOT'S (really; including many Eclipse artefacts) into your local maven repo. Subsequent calls will as usual be much faster.
  4. in the directory "" there will be a completely ready Eclipse Update Site (which is what gets be pushed to some HTTP server and the URL of which is given to end-users to install the whole thing)

This should ideally be set-up on a public build server, e.g. on the ?

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