Apache Oozie Tools

This page lists the various tools that the Apache Oozie project uses. Not all developers use every tool. There are almost certainly some tools that are missing. If you are a committer, you know how to fix this. If you are not a committer, send a short note to the developer mailing list (you’ll need to subscribe if you are not already subscribed) and a committer should be able to fix it for you.

Open Source Tools

Eclipse IDE A variety of IDEs are used by the Oozie developers. One of them is the Eclipse IDE.

FindBugs FindBugs is used by the Oozie developers to identify potential coding errors.

Commercial Tools

Slack Slack is a groupware used by Oozie developers.

YourKit Java Profiler YourKit, LLC kindly provides free licenses for the YourKit Java Profiler to open source projects. YourKit Java Profiler is primarily used to investigate performance and memory leak issues reported in Apache Oozie. It was particularly useful when working on the callable queue service improvements and eliminating memory leaks.

IntelliJ IDEA JetBrains, s.r.o. kindly provides free licenses for the IntelliJ IDEA to open source projects. IntelliJ IDEA is preferred by Oozie devs.
