Available downloads

Mobile Device Support

The Mobile Device Support Pack installs three separate sets of components to your OpenOffice installation – the XmlFilterAdapator, the XMergeBridge and current set of available XMerge plugins.



  1. Download the XMergeInstall.jar file.

  2. For all installations ensure that you have completely quit OpenOffice – this includes shutting down the quick-starter if it is running. Once the installation starts, follow the instructions on screen.

  3. Start the installation
    Windows: The XMergeInstall.jar files should be executable by either double-clicking on it from Explorer or by typing java -jar XMergeInstall.jar at the command line.
    Unix: Type java -jar XMergeInstall.jar (Note: on Solaris 2.6 and above, make the JAR file executable and type ./XMergeInstall.jar at the command line.)

About the XmlFilterAdapator

OpenOffice filters make use of a generic filter specification called the XmlFilterAdaptor. This implements many of the same interfaces that most filters use, but it does not do any of the actual filtering itself. The XmlFilterAdaptor can be used to instantiate a lower level filter, and pass user defined data to it. Using this implementation, the user can specify a filtering module that can be instantiated by the XmlFilterAdaptor, in order to carry out the filtering logic.

In order to maintain the pluginable nature of the XMerge framework, there needs to be a bridge between the XmlFilterAdaptor and the XMerge plugins, that will drive the plugins, without the requirement to change the operation of the plugins themselves. This bridge is known as the XMergeBridge, and is part of the XMerge project.

The XMergeInstaller installs the XmlFilterAdapater, the XMergeFilterBridge and all available XMerge Plugins to your OpenOffice installation. Thereafter the filters are accessible from the File|Open and File|Save As menu.

ActiveSync Support

The ActiveSync XMerge Filter allows synchronisation of Writer and Calc documents with a Microsoft Pocket PC device.  This filter invokes XMerge from your OpenOffice/StarOffice installation.


The ActiveSync support requires an update to some of the XMerge code.  If you downloaded the Mobile Device Support Pack prior to the evening of 30th July 2002, then you will need the update.  An updated xmerge.jar file is included in the ActiveSync download.  This file should be copied in place of your current xmerge.jar.


  1. Download the xmergesync.zip file.

  2. Disconnect your device from ActiveSync.

  3. Unzip the two files in the archive.  Copy the XMergeSync.dll file to a suitable location, e.g. <OO Installation Directory>/program.

  4. At the command prompt, go to the directory in which you unpacked the files and run the regutil.exe program giving it to the fully qualified path of the XMergeSync.dll file.

             C:\Temp> regutil "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice\program\XMergeSync.dll"

  5. Reconnect your device to ActiveSync.

  6. You may need to configure ActiveSync to convert the files.  

    • Open the ActiveSync program on the desktop machine.

    • Open the Options dialog either by clicking on the icon or by Tools -> Options.

    • If you have a partnership setup, you will need to select the Rules tab on the dialog.  Then click the Conversion Settings button.  If not, then the Rules tab will be presented by default.

    • Click on the Desktop to Device tab and scroll down the list.  You should see entries for the OpenOffice/StarOffice Spreadsheet and Text Documents in the list of file types.

          Select on the Spreadsheet entry and verify that the mobile device type is set to Pocket Excel Workbook.

          Select on the Text Document entry and verify that the mobile device type is set to Pocket Word Document - Pocket PC.

    • If the types are not set to convert then double click on the type to bring up the Edit Conversion Settings dialog.  Select the correct type from the drop-down list.

  7. If you wish to convert Pocket PC documents to OpenOffice/StarOffice equivalents automatically, repeat the procedure in step 6 on the Device to Desktop tab for the Pocket Excel Workbook and Pocket Word Document - Pocket PC file types.