Test Case AOOTest-89: Manual Breaks - Page break [Version : 2]
Author:undefined - 21/10/2013 10:23:06

test page break can be inserted and deleted.
 when save it as odt file, close and reopen, page break can be inserted and deleted.
 when save it as doc file, close and reopen, page break can be inserted and deleted.


Open AOO

#:Step actions:Expected Results:

Start AOO Writer

Start Successfully.


Input some text with page break followed, such as "Page1" + [page break]

"Page2" + [page break]

Input successfully, the document will has many pages, every page has content "Page[N]".


Move cursor on the end page content, press Delete to delete the page break

Page break was deleted, string in next page come to the end of the page ahead of it.


Save it as ODT file.

Close and reopen the ODT file, repeat step 2,3

 page break can be inserted and deleted successfully.


Save it as DOC file

Close and reopen the DOC file, repeat step 2, 3

page break can be inserted and deleted successfully.

Execution type:Automated
Test Focus:Usability
Feature first available at which release:AOO3.5
Automation script name:testcase.uno.sw.breaks.CheckBreaks.java
Testsuite set:Functionality
Requirements None
Keywords:FVT(Function Verification Test)