Test Case AOOTest-639: Writer_2D_Chart_ChartWall_BordersTab_Via_ContextMenu_OK [Version : 1]
Author:undefined - 24/10/2012 14:25:52


#:Step actions:Expected Results:

Expected Results:


New a Text Document;


Go to main menu, select Insert-)Object-)Chart and create 2D chart;


Double click on the chart to trigger the Chart Wall dialogue and go borders tab;

The Chart Wall dialogue should pop out;


In the line property dialogue, select any one style from the styles drop down combo box;

Click on the Reset button;

In the blank area of the dialogue, verify the style should change according to the choice;

Verify that the line style will restore to the initial style


In the color drop down combo box, select any color;

Click the Reset button;

From the blank area below, verify the color the border should change according to the choice;

Verify that the color will restore to the initial color;


In the width drop down combo box, click on the up/down arrow to increase/reduce the width for the border;

Click on the Reset button;

Verify the width of the border will increase or reduce;

Verify that the width of the border will restore to the initial one;


Set the value for transparency, such as 0%,35%,50%,75% and 100%

Click on the Reset button;

Verify the border will disappear when using 100%, and the border will become increasingly vague as the value increase;

Verify that the value of the transparency will restore to the initial one;


Repeat the step4 to step7 several times.

The save as above;


Click on the OK button from the dialogue

Verify all selected styles will apply to the chart successfully;


Click undo and redo from the edit menu

Verify undo and redo work correctly

Execution type:Manual
Test Focus:
Feature first available at which release:
Automation script name:
Testsuite set:
Requirements None
Keywords: None