Test Case AOOTest-366: Data-)Subtotals_Layered buttons on left side bar for subtotal results. [Version : 1]
Author:undefined - 24/10/2012 14:22:30
Last edit by:undefined - 28/01/2014 02:49:53

1.Launch Application. 2.Create a new spreadsheet document. 3.Insert some data for Subtotals. Following data as a reference:

#:Step actions:Expected Results:

Expected Results


Select the cell range that you want to calculate subtotals for. (The contents in the first row will be regarded as column labels)


Click 'Data-) Subtotals'.

The 'Subtotals' dialog appears. The current tab page is '1st Group'. The combo box 'Group by' use the first column label as its default value.


In the 'Group by' combo box select a column label which will used to group the data.


In the 'Calculate subtotals for' box, select a check box of the column labels which contains numbers that you want to subtotal.


In the 'Use function' box, select the function 'Sum'.


Click 'OK' button.

The subtotal result is displayed in hierarchy according to the 1st group option specified.

There is a bar on the left side with the layered buttons on it.


Click the '-' button to fold the data range.

It works successfully.


Click the '+' button to unfold the data range.

It works successfully.


Click the '1' button on the top of the left side bar.

All layers will be folded. Only the labels of column and the Grand Total are shown.


Click the '3' button on the top of the left side bar.

All layers will be unfolded. All data and results are shown.


Click the '2' button on the top of the left side bar.

All data layers will be unfolded. Only the labels of column and the subtotal results are shown.

Execution type:Manual
Test Focus:
Feature first available at which release:
Automation script name:
Testsuite set:
Requirements None
Keywords: None