Test Case AOOTest-321: Verify function and Check menu (Auto Fill - Advance Filter) [Version : 2]
Author:undefined - 11/03/2014 07:59:26


#:Step actions:Expected Results:

Create a empty spreadsheet document

The spreadsheet can be successfully created


Input below data into range A1:C24


Month Product Sales
Jan A 1200
Jan A 1500
Jan A 1800
Jan A 1600
Jan B 1200
Jan B 1500
Jan B 1800
Feb A 1300
Feb A 1900
Feb B 2100
Feb B 2000
Feb C 1500
Feb C 1700
Feb B 1800
Feb B 1900
Mar B 1400
Mar B 1500
Mar C 1200
Mar C 1200
Mar A 1800
Mar A 1400
Mar A 1600
Mar C 1300

Data can be correctly created


Input below data in a empty range of the same sheet


Month Sales
Jan 1500
Feb 1500
Mar 1500


Data can be correctly created


Focus set to any cell of range A1:C24, click the menu 'Data -> Filter -> Advance Filter'

Pop up 'Advance Filter' dialog, and range A1:C24 is selected automatically


Select the cell range to define the filter conditions.(the cell range input in step2)

Specify that only rows which sales number is 1500 in Jan, Feb, Mar will be displayed.


Click 'More' button, then check the 'Copy results to" check-box and specify a place that the result to be copied to, click 'OK'

The result copied to the specified place. Result will be:

Month Product Sales
Jan A 1500
Jan B 1500
Feb C 1500
Mar B 1500



Select column A and apply instant filter from menu "Data -> Filter -> Instant Filter'

Instant filter successfully created


Click instant filter in cell A1, select 'Jan'

Only rows have 'Jan' in month will be displayed


Undo and Redo several times

Undo and Redo work well

Execution type:Manual
Test Focus:
Feature first available at which release:
Automation script name:
Testsuite set:
Requirements None
Keywords: None