Test Case AOOTest-2180: Install AOO on Mac [Version : 1]
Author:undefined - 15/04/2014 12:16:03


  1. Download Apache OpenOffice
  2. Click on the dmg

Possibility 1

  1. Open two Finder window
  2. Select in one window the OpenOffice.org.dmg and on the other window the Application folder
  3. Drag and drop the OpenOffice.org.app (.app is disabled by default at mac) from the OpenOffice.org.dmg to the Application folder

Possibility 2

Aou have inside the OpenOffice.org.dmg a "Application" Folder. This is a Symlink. You can also simply drag and drop the OpenOffice.org.app to this symlink folder.


Expected Result

The "install Process (wich is only a copy process) should not make trubble.

Execution type:Manual
Test Focus:
Feature first available at which release:
Automation script name:
Testsuite set:
Requirements None
Keywords: None