Test Case AOOTest-204: List Style-Level 5-add Paragraph style [Version : 1]
Author:undefined - 07/09/2012 10:03:56
Last edit by:undefined - 08/05/2013 10:06:20

The list style of added paragraph style can be imported in AOO,and exported successfully.

#:Step actions:Expected Results:

launch Apache OpenOffice,new a writer document

new successfully


input some text,enable "styles list" dialog by "F11",and select "Numbering style" in style type list box

many styles will be shown in the style box


select "Bullet 3" style


click "modify..." button in the style box,and the "Numbering style" dialog pop up,

switch to "options "tab,and click "level 5"

the "paragraph styles" become enabled


selelct one paragraph style as "Heading 1" and click "OK" button to close the dialog

the "heading 1 " is setting sucessfully.


switch to paragraph style in the style type box, and apply "heading 1" to text

apply successfully


save to odt file and reopen it with AOO,and check the paragraph style

the text in the document shown same effect with step 6

Execution type:Manual
Test Focus:Usability
Feature first available at which release:AOO3.5
Automation script name:
Testsuite set:Functionality
RequirementsStory 3143_Writer_List Style: New Feature:add paragraph styles for list style
Keywords:FVT(Function Verification Test)