Test Case AOOTest-1791: TextShrinkToFit [Version : 1]
Author:undefined - 25/11/2013 08:00:36

Check OOXML(MS Excel) support with feature text shrink to fit in Cell Style, in AOO


Need apache.org account to get sample document

#:Step actions:Expected Results:

Open the sample document MS2007FFCSC_CellStyle_TextShrinkToFit.xlsx from svn(https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openoffice/test/test-data/ooxml/MS_Excel_2007/cell_style/) in MS Excel 2007 (see attached screenshot: MS2007FFCSC_CellStyle_TextShrinkToFit.jpg)


Open it in AOO

It can be opened successfully


Check the Cell A1, B1, C1's text in step 1 and step 2, to see display in step 2 is the same with display in step 1

- all text should be shrinked to be completely shown in the cell

You can zoom in to view clearly of the shrinked text.

It displays same between MS Excel and AOO Calc

Execution type:Manual
Test Focus:Usability
Feature first available at which release:
Automation script name:
Testsuite set:
Requirements None
Keywords: None